4 Teenage Murderers Get Suspended Sentence & “Youth Treatment Center” Instead of Prison – Out in 6-8 Months After Committing Murder

This is fucking CRAZY!!! 4 murderers who dropped a large sandbag onto a passing car from an overpass have been given a minor slap on the wrist and will only do 8 months in a day-camp for criminals, and will probably even serve less time than that!

“Suspended what? If you do what? So eight months you get to go home?” Diallo told WTVG outside the courtroom after the sentencing. “This child will never be at home. His son will never see him. His mother will never be able to say, ‘Hey son, how are you? How’s your day?’ Touch his face, see his face. This is outrageous.” – Attorney for the victim’s family Lillian Diallo

How do these 4 worthless piece of shit murderers, Pedro Salinas, Sean Carter, Demetrius Wimberly, and William Parker, get off with so little punishment after murdering someone the way they did?

Worthless Piece of Shit "judge" Denise Navarre Cubbon

Worthless Piece of Shit “judge” Denise Navarre Cubbon

And don’t even try and fucking tell me that these murderers didn’t realize that dropping a sandbag onto a car, driving at highway speeds, from …

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CASE OVER!! Gov. Greitens’ Accuser Now Says She Might Have Imagined Photo Taking In a Dream

Waaa-Waaaaa Case over! The woman accusing Gov. Eric Greitens of taking an incriminating photo of her in the nude, after they had sex, now says that she never saw Greitens with a camera or with a smartphone in his hand, and might even have imagined the taking of the picture in a dream!

CASE OVER!! Gov. Greitens' Accuser Now Says She Might Have Imagined Photo Taking In a Dream

CASE OVER!! Gov. Greitens’ Accuser Now Says She Might Have Imagined Photo Taking In a Dream

“I haven’t talked about it because I don’t know if it’s because I’m remembering it through a dream or I — I’m not sure, but yes, I feel like I saw it after that happened, but I haven’t spoken about it because of that”

“She later re-confirmed, however, that she could not testify under oath that she saw a phone.”

With all of the parallel attacks coming towards Gov. Eric Greitens from members of the dishonest fake news media and corrupt Democrats who are on the hunt to take out another conservative with fake sex-crime accusations, there is no way that Gov. Greitens would ever have a fair trial, but with …

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Deputy Director for Anti-Gun Nutjob de Blasio Busted On Multiple Gun Charges Including Possession of Defaced Firearm

WOW! Police busted a high ranking member of corrupt Democrat NY Bill de Blasio’s staff, and charged her with multiple gun crimes, after responding to five gunshots detected by New York’s ShotSpotter bullet-detection system, and finding Reagan Stevens, a loaded handgun and two men with knives at that location.

Deputy Director for Anti-Gun Nutjob Deblasio Busted On Multiple Gun Charges Including Possession of Defaced Firearm

Deputy Director for Anti-Gun Nutjob Deblasio Busted On Multiple Gun Charges Including Possession of Defaced Firearm

Reagan Stevens, a “high-level deputy director in Mayor de Blasio’s Office of Criminal Justice”, was busted over the weekend and charged with criminal possession of a loaded firearm and criminal possession of a defaced weapon. Montell Hughes and Caesar Forbes were also at the scene and found to be carrying knives.

Defacing a firearm to prevent identification in NY is a HUGE crime – a felony – “Possession of a Weapon in the Third Degree” – which is punishable by up to seven years in prison!

“Guns = Prison” – In fact, back in 2006 the mandatory prison sentence for anyone busted with a loaded, illegal weapon in NY was increased to 3.5 years.

Not …

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Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg Pulls Out of Interview After Learning It Wouldn’t Be Fixed Softball Interview

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg was supposed to be interviewed on ABC by corrupt leftist Democrat protector George Stephanopoulos, but pulled out of the interview when she realized that it wouldn’t be the easy softball interview that she planned.

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg Pulls Out of Interview After Learning It Wouldn't Be Fixed Softball Interview

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg Pulls Out of Interview After Learning It Wouldn’t Be Fixed Softball Interview

When Sheryl Sandberg learned that Martha Raddatz, not George Stephanopoulos, was going to do the interview, Sandberg got cold feet and decided, or was instructed to cancel the interview – probably because Raddatz isn’t as much of a Democrat shill than Stephanopoulos, and Sandberg would have to actually answer some difficult questions.

This is pretty damming evidence that shows how George Stephanopoulos is not a real journalist who will not hold the Democrat’s feet to the fire

Sheryl Sandberg seems to be “leaning out” of her press push to hush the hysteria over Facebook privacy and user-data leaks.

After many significant days of silence, the Facebook COO was quizzed by “Today’s” Savannah Guthrie on Friday, followed by an interview with Fox News’ Dana Perino. Sandberg was

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Compromised Nutless Fake AG Pussy Jeff Sessions Being Blackmailed & Must Resign or Be Fired Immediately

Fake “Attorney General” Jeff Sessions is most likely being blackmailed and will never do what is needed to investigate the DNC/FBI/DOJ, and hold them accountable for their crimes. Period – end of story. Huber’s assignment does nothing to help get to the bottom of the DNC/FBI/DOJ crimes, and Jeff Sessions knows it! The dumb-fuck pussy loser needs to go, like… last year!

Compromised Nutless Pussy Jeff Sessions Being Blackmailed & Must Resign or Be Fired Immediately

Compromised Nutless Pussy Jeff Sessions Being Blackmailed & Must Resign or Be Fired Immediately

Jeff Sessions is kidding himself if he thinks he is in charge of the Justice Department, and anyone else who actually thinks that Sessions leads the Justice Dept, or has any power whatsoever is a fucking idiot!

The American People really want to know “Who has the dirt on nutless pussy Jeff Sessions and is blackmailing the worthhless loser and preventing him from doing his fucking job?”

What felony crimes has Jeff Sessions been busted committing? What underage boy was Sessions caught fucking in the ass? What tranny hooker is holding pictures and/or video of Jeff Sessions taking it up the poop-shoot?

SERIOUSLY!!! These …

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YouTube Filtering/Censoring/Demonetization of Tame Videos Partially to Blame for YouTube Campus Shooting



Left-wing 38-year-old Iranian far left protester and PETA activist nutjob Nasim Aghdam shot up the YouTube headquarters campus because she was angry at YouTube for the censoring of her YouTube videos to include an age restriction, and thereby greatly reduce the number of views the video receives, and the money received from those videos.

YouTube may be yanking down all of the copies of this video, but it’s not going to stop us from showing the video to our readers, Thankfully TMZ kept a copy of the video that YouTube doesn’t want you to see, so here it is again. (We will leave the now-deleted YouTube version of the video included below so you can see how YouTube is trying to sweep their responsibility and …

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Not Running For Re-Election Not Good Enough – #MeToo Fraud Democrat Rep. Elizabeth Esty Must Immediately Resign

#MeToo Fraud Democrat Rep. Elizabeth Esty says that she will step down after the end of the year and won’t run for re-election, but that definitely is not good enough. Untrustworthy Elizabeth Esty needs to resign immediately!

Even the fake news network CNN is calling “BULLSHIT” on Esty’s crap statement and plan to move forward without resigning.

To address the immediate crisis, I demanded counseling for my offending chief of staff and I launched an internal review of management policy and practices and an investigation into what was going on in the office. I also took a hard look at how I allowed my office to be run.

Unfortunately, through the review process I learned that the threat of violence was not an isolated incident, but part of a pattern of behavior that victimized many of the women on my staff. At which point, I hired a new chief of staff, made changes to senior staff, changed employment policy, and instituted mandatory harassment trainings.

No staff changes or additional training would help in this situation because it was Elizabeth Esty …

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Crazy Eichenwald -> Kashuv DM’s Show Eichenwald Purposefully Provoked Twitter Attacks

Read this direct message string from unhinged lunatic leftist Kurt Eichenwald to 16 year old Parkland school shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv.

Crazy Eichenwald --> Kashuv DM's Show Eichenwald Poked & Attacked Twitter Haters

Crazy Eichenwald –Kashuv DM’s Show Eichenwald Poked & Attacked Twitter Haters

Eichenwald even admits to keeping the feud with Kashuv going to use it as an opportunity to poke people who don’t like him to provoke them into sending him animated GIF’s so that Eichenwald could report his detractors to the FBI.

They attacked followers of the Epilepsy foundation when they found out this worked. You have these kinds Of people following you. I have spent the day poking them so they would keep coming out. I have reported all of them to the FBI. They are now all going to have their identities revealed by Twitter to law enforcement. I did make a mistake with you, and I apologize. But once I realized this created a new opportunity to snag more of these bastards and get them to law enforcement, I took advantage of it. – Unhinged loser Kurt Eichenwald

So Eichenwald is purposefully trying to provoke …

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