Democrats Have No Problem With Nazi Omar Attacking All Jews – Attacking Criminal Obama Is Red Line Not to Cross

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! The dumb-ass Democrats apparently care more about the feelings of the worst President in US history – Obama – than the feelings and safety of every Jewish person around the world.

Democrats Have No Problem With Nazi Omar Attacking All Jews - Attacking Criminal Obama Is Red Line Not to Cross

Democrats Have No Problem With Nazi Omar Attacking All Jews – Attacking Criminal Obama Is Red Line Not to Cross

Did Democrats give a shit when their America & Jew-hating skank defacto leader Ilhan Omar attacked all Jews with her anti-Semitic attacks? No.

The Democrats only had a problem with their Nazi Rep Ilhan Omar when she attacked their savior – America-hating Socialist criminal Barack Obama.

Jew hater Ilhan Omar never apologized or took back the horrible anti-Semitic remarks that represent her true feelings, but started backtracking on the negative criticism of criminal fuck-face Obama in a split second once the shit started to hit the fan.

I’d say that ANY Jewish person who would ever vote for a Democrat in the next election is a traitor to the Israel, the Jewish People and to America – and as far as I’m concerned, any Jew that votes Democrat …

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Boycott & Lawsuits Needed Against Conservative Hating Detroit Foundation Hotel

The Detroit Foundation Hotel is actively denying service to people solely due to the political beliefs of the would-be customers.

The people who own and run the Detroit Foundation Hotel need to be held accountable for denying service to conservatives. The best way to make companies like the Detroit Foundation Hotel change their ways is to badly damage their business with lawsuits, social media shaming and a complete boycott of the Detroit Hotel.

Leftist douchebags attacked a Christian baker for 4 years because they would not go against their religious beliefs to bake a cake for a couple of gays, and we need to hold these disgusting leftist piece of trash to the same standard.

There needs to be lawsuits filed against the Detroit Foundation Hotel, and all conservatives need to boycott the Detroit Foundation Hotel for their abuse of conservatives.


Post how you feel about the Detroit Foundation Hotel on their Facebook page to let all of their followers know how you feel about their hatred of conservatives.

Steve Bannon, Purple Heart

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Corrupt Piece of Shit Democrat Adam Schiff Coached Michael Cohen For 10 Hours Before Congressional ‘Testimony’ of Lies

Democrat Adam Schiff is a totally corrupt, dirty piece of shit co-conspirator, who we now know coached Michael Cohen for a whopping 10 hours ahead of his testimony before Congress – without ANY Republicans present.

Corrupt Piece of Shit Democrat Adam Schiff Coached Michael Cohen For 10 Hours Before Congressional 'Testimony'

Corrupt Piece of Shit Democrat Adam Schiff Coached Michael Cohen For 10 Hours Before Congressional ‘Testimony’

“The extent of my contact was just inviting him to testify and also trying to allay his concerns about the president’s threats against him and his family … but our staff certainly sat down to interview him, and that’s what you do in any credible investigation.” – Corrupt Fuckface Adam Schiff

The American People DEMAND to know all of the details of the 4 meetings. Who was there, what was discussed, and everything else.

Adam Schiff is a total fucking liar, and the only reason why we now know about the underhanded actions of Schiff and Cohen is because Michael Cohen was asked about it while testifying before his testimony – which was full of lies that Cohen should be held accountable for.

President Trump’s former personal attorney Michael

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Justin “Jussie” Smollett Receives Additional 16-Count Indictment – Each With Possibility of 4 Years Prison

Justin “Jussie” Smollett just received an addition 16-count indictment from a Cook County grand jury, after they completed their investigation into his many crimes that make up Smollett’s Fake Race Hate Crime.


Justin “Jussie” Smollett Receives Additional 16-Count Indictment – Each With Possibility of 4 Years Prison

If Smollett does in fact have to serve 4 years for each of the new counts, that comes to 64 years in prison – on top of the punishment he should receive for the initial charges, and any punishment he will receive from the charges stemming from sending himself the hoax letter filled with a white power.

So… dumb-ass lying sociopath Justin Smollett is probably going to be going away for a while, if he is held accountable for each of his crimes, as he should be.

The trouble is not yet over for “Empire” star Jussie Smollett, despite being out on bond on a single count of filing a false police report with the Chicago Police Department.

Friday afternoon, prosecutors announced that a Cook County grand jury finally wrapped up its investigation

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Mentally Retarded Democrat Midget Rep Ted Lieu Learned About Alabama Tornado Destruction From Tweets

Democrat Trump Derangement Syndrome victim Ted Lieu tweeted out some stupid shit regarding President Trump’s trip down to Alabama to tour the areas destroyed by tornadoes, and then had to delete the tweet once the shit started to hit the fan.

Mentally Retarded Democrat Midget Rep Ted Lieu Learned About Alabama Tornado Destruction From Tweets

Mentally Retarded Democrat Midget Rep Ted Lieu Learned About Alabama Tornado Destruction From Tweets

Damn! Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu has to be one of the dumbest fuckers in congress!

“WE ARE IN THE THIRD WEEK OF A NATIONAL EMERGENCY! Can you feel the emergency? Is this why @RealDonaldTrump is going to Alabama, because we need to build a Wall along Alabama’s southern border? Oh wait, I just looked at the map….#FridayMorning Thoughts” – Mentally Retarded Democrat Midget Rep Ted Lieu

Ted Lieu claims that the responses to his tweet made him take down his original offensive tweet, and also says that he learned about the tornado destruction in Alabama from a Twitter response to his stupid deleted tweet.

Maybe stupid midget Ted Lieu should take some time off Twitter, pull his head out of his ass, and actually find …

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Greenpeace Co-Founder: Scientist Frauds Fake ‘Global Warming’ Evidence To Keep Government Grant Money Flowing

Wow! This is right on the money! Corrupt fake ‘scientists’ continue to help perpetuate the hugest scam ever perpetuated on the world – which was once known as “Global Warming” before the leftist liars realized that the Earth hasn’t actually warmed in over 15 years, so they had to change the name to “Climate Change”.

And so you’ve got the green movement creating stories that instill fear in the public. You’ve got the media echo chamber — fake news — repeating it over and over and over again to everybody that they’re killing their children. And then you’ve got the green politicians who are buying scientists with government money to produce fear for them in the form of scientific-looking materials. And then you’ve got the green businesses, the rent-seekers, and the crony capitalists who are taking advantage of massive subsidies, huge tax write-offs, and government mandates requiring their technologies to make a fortune on this. And then, of course, you’ve got the scientists who are willingly, they’re basically hooked on government grants. – Greenpeace Co-Founder Patrick Moore

“There is no …

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MSNBC Contributor Uses Sexual Slang Term ‘Hard On’ To Describe Feelings of Federal Judge

MSNBC NeverTrumper dickhead loser Donny Deutsch(bag) described the Federal Judge in the Manafort case as having “a hard on” for the sham Democrat-concocted Mueller probe. Video to come

Personally, I would say that the judge has every right to be pissed off about FBI / CIA / DOJ crimes and collusion with Clinton and DNC criminals to try and destroy the President of the United States – and if the Judge had a “hard on”, I’d say that he had the hard on for dispatching frivolous charges brought by the Deep State Criminals and the Democrat Culture of Corruption.

If anyone on Fox said anything even remotely similar though, there would have been calls from the cocksuckers at MSNBC and CNN to fire the commentator, but MSNBC and CNN have absolutely NO STANDARDS at all, so don’t hold your breath for any kind of punishment for such disgusting and vulgar on-air commentary.

MSNBC contributor Donny Deutsch commented Friday on “Morning Joe” on former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s sentencing to 47 months in prison on tax and bank-fraud charges, which

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Leftist Fair Haven Vermont Weirdos Elect a Goat Named Lincoln As Town Mayor

The fucked-up-in-the-head leftists in Vermont have actually elected a goat – yes a goat – as mayor of the town. And yet this really doesn’t surprise me.

Fair Haven Vermont Leftists Elect a Goat Named Lincoln As Town Mayor

Fair Haven Vermont Leftists Elect a Goat Named Lincoln As Town Mayor

When you remember and realize how irreparably screwed up leftists are who live in Vermont, this definitely sounds about right!

When residents of Fair Haven, Vermont, voted for mayor, they weren’t kidding around. They chose a Nubian goat named Lincoln.

With 13 votes, Lincoln eked out a victory over Sammie the dog, who received 10 votes. As the town’s first honorary pet mayor, Lincoln will attend events throughout the year and already has plans to march in a parade on Memorial Day. He will officially take office on Tuesday.

Fair Haven is home to 2,500 people and does not have a human mayor.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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