Full Investigations Needed To Probe Corrupt DNC Rep Jerry Nadler Monthly Payments to Russian Agent for Past 16 Years!

The American People demand a full investigation into the criminal actions of Democrat Jerry Nadler, who has been secretly and underhandedly paying a Russian agent a salary every month for the past 16 years!


Democrats ALWAYS falsely accuse Republicans of doing the dirty, criminal things that the Democrats are already doing, as a way to insulate themselves from their crimes.

Congressman Jerry Nadler continues his push to investigate President Trump and his associates for alleged ties to Russia, but it may be Nadler himself who has ties to the Kremlin.

Recently One American news began our investigation of congressman Jerry Nadler’s shady financial ties. We told you that we had discovered public disclosures that Nadler had been paying a foreign agent to the tune of $1,000 every month for 16 years through his campaign committee, even when there was no election going on.

That foreign agent, we later learned through disclosures, was Azra Friedlander. Why would Nadder have a foreign

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President Trump Continues Giving Unscheduled Press Conferences As Most Transparent Administration in US History

President Trump is the most open and transparent US President in the last 50 years, and probably all time, and he continues giving impromptu press conferences, where he candidly answers everything thrown his way.

Loser criminal fuck-face Obama was NEVER as open, throughout his entire presidency, and in fact was covertly and underhandedly destroying America behind the scenes.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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Smollett Lawyer Mark Geragos Calls POS Liar Justin Smollett a Victim of a ‘Media Gang Bang’

This is pretty funny! Mark Geragos says that his client, Justin “Jussie” Smollett is a victim of a media “gang bang”, with all of the coverage of his crimes.

Smollett Lawyer Mark Geragos Calls POS Liar Justin Smollett a Victim of a 'Media Gang Bang'

Smollett Lawyer Mark Geragos Calls POS Liar Justin Smollett a Victim of a ‘Media Gang Bang’

“What is happening here is frankly a media gang bang of this guy of unprecedented proportions and that’s the reason I got into this,” Geragos continued. “I’ve never seen a media pendulum swing more quickly and more viciously and rob somebody of their presumption of innocence like this case. It’s startling the way people assume that he’s guilty.” – Smollett Lawyer Mark Geragos

Nobody in the world, except Mark Garagos and maybe Al Sharpton, actually thinks that Justin Smollett is telling the truth, because he’s been caught,and everyone pretty much know exactly what happened – and with that in mind, Justin Smollett could never be considered a “victim”.

“I defy anybody to find any indictment anywhere where somebody has brought 16 counts for being a victim of a hate crime basically” – Smollett Lawyer Mark

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NY Is SOOOO SCREWED NY Politicians Have To Steal Money From People To Stay Afloat

New York politicians have screwed all New Yorkers sooo bad that many of the rich people, who’s ultra-high taxes prop up the failing state, are now fleeing New York in huge numbers, and New York is in a world of shit as they compile a huge $2.3 billion budget deficit.

NY Is SOOOO SCREWED They Have To Steal Money From People Who Flee the State To Stay Afloat

NY Is SOOOO SCREWED They Have To Steal Money From People Who Flee the State To Stay Afloat

New York has traded their job creators for dependent homeless and illegal immigrants who mooch off the people (mostly conservative) who actually do pay their taxes. (Democrats don’t pay taxes)

“New York City could go bankrupt, absolutely” – American Institute for Economic Research Economist Peter C. Earle

  • New York state — and city — are ranked No. 1 nationwide in state and local tax burden.
  • Property taxes, almost half of the city’s revenue, is rising faster than any other revenue source — squeezing businesses and forcing homeowners, already hit by federal property tax deduction changes, to relocate to lower-tax states.
  • The top 1 percent of New York City earners pay some

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Smeared Covington HS Student Nick Sandmann To Sue Fake News CNN Liars Next for $250 Million

ENTER THE SANDMANN!! Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann, who was smeared over and over, for days, by the corrupt leftist fake news media now has a new target in his sights. CNN.

Nick Sandmann’s attorney told Marc Levin that they will be targeting CNN on this coming Monday or Tuesday for another lawsuit for at least $250 million, and I think he should and will definitely win.

CNN is a huge corporation that used it’s megaphone to lie and smear a young and innocent high school students to millions of people every second, and CNN must be held accountable for their life-changing smears and false attacks against Mr. Sandmann, who will have to deal with the smears against him for the rest of his life.

The damage CNN caused for Nick Sandmann is definitely worth $250 million – I’d go for $300 Million.

It’s plain to see that there are no honest adults working in the corrupt left wing media, like Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC and many others, who had no desire to report the truth, and actually …

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CNN Math: 50-42=7 – CNN Makes Their Viewers More Stupid Everyday

Watch this video to see how fucking stupid the losers at CNN really are. Apparently the CNN geniuses think that 50-42=7.

The video is pretty satisfying also because the dumbfucks who ran F&R Auto Sales got what was coming to them, but the math done by CNN is just as funny. (I believe F&R Auto Sales was forced to close after the video was posted and the shit hit the fan for how they treated the pizza guy.)

No wonder why the mush-brain CNN viewers are sliding backwards on the intelligence scale.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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Weak Part-Time Republican Lindsey Graham Will Push Democrat’s Unconstitutional Firearm Confiscation Laws

Lindsey Graham, who everyone knows is a very weak, part-time conservative Republican, has said that he will work with Democrats to try and take away the legal gun rights of the American People, using the Democrat-concocted firearm confiscation laws.

Weak Part-Time Republican Lindsey Graham Will Push Democrat’s Unconstitutional Firearm Confiscation Laws

Republicans need to once and for all get rid of all Rhinos and fake Republicans, and then make sure that we only elect trustworthy conservatives, who believe in the US Constitution and conservative policies.

Firearm confiscation is a very slippery slope, which is what the Democrats are counting on. They will push for something that seems like a decent idea, but then use that as a foothold to take away even more gun rights and other constitutional protections.

Democrats already have the game-plan set, and fake Republican fuck-face Lindsey Graham appears to be helping the Democrats follow through with their underhanded ploy to damage gun rights for all Americans.

Lindsay Graham needs to quickly re-think his willingness to help the enemy, because he is already on thin ice with …

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Shithole Trashcan Los Angeles Fights Fast-Spreading Typhoide Epidemic

The disgusting 3rd world conditions in The Asshole of the United States California, with shit and piss covered drug needles covering the street, have now caused a Typhoid epidemic only seen in 3rd world countries.

I wouldn’t even want to breathe the air in states that border California, let alone live or travel to such a disgusting shit-hole, like LA!

No wonder why people and businesses are leaving California at a such a high rate that the state of California can’t sustain itself anymore.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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