Stud Devin Nunes Sues Twitter For Over $250 Million After Social Media Service Interfered In Elections

Twitter claims to be fair to people of all political affiliations, but anyone with half a brain knows that this is complete bullshit, and Twitter is just a corrupt extension of the Democrat Media Arm, and will trumpet liberal Tweets, no mater how vile and wrong, yet at the same time Twitter is blocking, stifling and shadow-banning conservative voices. The American People need to hold these behemoth corporations accountable!

Stud Devin Nunes Sues Twitter For Over $250 Million After Social Media Service Interfered In Elections

Stud Devin Nunes Sues Twitter For Over $250 Million After Social Media Service Interfered In Elections

Well, it’s time that people start standing up to these big corporate bullies, like Twitter, Google and Facebook, and make them answer for the illegal actions of their service and the people who run and work there, and stud Devin Nunes is now suing Twitter for at least $250 million – probably a lot more – after Twitter was busted interfering in the previous election, and continuing to interfere in US elections by blocking, muting and shadow-banning conservative voices, while promoting leftist tweets, no matter how disgusting and false.

Facebook needs to be held accountable …

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Disney Re-Hires NAMBLA ‘Pedophile’ Loser Director James Gunn to Make Movies for Kids

Disney has re-hired the sicko NAMBLA loser (and probable pedophile) James Gunn, who thinks that child rape is funny, after firing him a few months ago after his sexual feelings about kids and child rape came to light.

Disney Re-Hires NAMBLA 'Pedophile' Loser Director James Gunn to Make Movies for Kids

Disney Re-Hires NAMBLA ‘Pedophile’ Loser Director James Gunn to Make Movies for Kids

This is even after the shit hit the fan when ABC / Disney hired convicted child molester Brian Peck to work on a children’s TV show.

“I remember my first NAMBLA meeting. It was the first time I felt ok being who I am. Some of those guys are still my BFFs.” Disney’s Re-Hired Sicko James Gunn

N.A.M.B.L.A. stands for the North American Man Boy Love Association, and is made up of sick-ass old men who like having sex with young underage boys – and apparently Disney’s James Gunn is a member of the child abuse organization.

Personally, I will never again allow any Disney movies made after 2006 to be shown in my household, and I recommend that all other people concerned with the direction of Disney should …

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Disgusting Fat Tub O’ Goo Meghan McCain Doesn’t Realize America Hated Her Corrupt Fake Conservative Dad

HAHAHAHA!! Disgusting fat tub o’ goo Meghan McCain seems to think that people actually liked her dad, John McCain – when the reality is just the opposite!

Disgusting Fat Tub O' Goo Meghan McCain Doesn't Realize America Hated Her Corrupt Fake Conservative Dad

Disgusting Fat Tub O’ Goo Meghan McCain Doesn’t Realize America Hated Her Corrupt Fake Conservative Dad

“No one will ever love you the way they loved my father….” – Lard ass Meghan McCain obviously has no clue about the popularity of President Trump or John McCain

Meghan McCain apparently doesn’t realize that the majority of Americans, including 99.999% of conservatives, HATED her father John McCain with a passion, and laughably claims that “No one will ever love you the way they loved my father….”

John McCain’s leftist daughter Meghan is stupid, fat and disgusting – not a good way to go through life!

Donald Trump bristled at the news on Friday that the late GOP Senator John McCain and a close friend shared the infamous, unverified Steele dossier with several media outlets and the FBI.

Quoting former special counsel Ken Starr, Trump tweeted that McCain’s actions were a “very dark stain” on his

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President Trump & Republicans Should Expand & Pack Supreme Court Before Corrupt Democrats Do!

Democrats, including many running for President, have stated that they want to expand the US Supreme Court to include more SCOTUS justices, as a way to cancel out President Trump’s SCOTUS nominations, and underhandedly take control of the US Supreme Court.

President Trump & Republicans Should Expand & Pack Supreme Court Before Corrupt Democrats Do!

President Trump & Republicans Should Expand & Pack Supreme Court Before Corrupt Democrats Do!

“I’m open to these kind of conversations, but I really caution people about doing things that become a tit for tat throughout history. So, when the Democrats expand it to 11, 12 judges, when Republicans have it, they expand it to 15 judges.” – Mentally-Challenged Leftist DNC Dumbfuck Corey Booker

Well, I say that President Trump and the Republicans should beat them to it!

We all know that the corrupt Democrats will go after the Supreme Court in one of their first crimes against the American People, and they will almost immediately try and take over the Supreme Court in any way they can – and expanding the court justices is their most likely method of attack.

So President Trump and the Republicans should go …

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Stupid Talentless Saturday Night Live Plagiarizers Steal Whole Sketches From ‘Temple Horses’ Comedy Group

Saturday Night Live has been accused again of stealing entire comedy sketches – this time stolen from a comedy group called “Temple Horses”.

The talentless dumbfucks at Saturday Night Live haven’t been funny in over a decade, and SNL’s so-called ‘writers’ couldn’t make a funny sketch if their lives depended on it. Maybe the lack of writers and overall talent is why the Saturday Night Live show has been busted for plagiarizing entire comedy sketches, and trying to pass them off as their own ideas.

Talentless Saturday Night Live Hacks Steal Temple Horses’ “Pet Blinders” Sketch

Saturday Night Live claims that the SNL writers came up with their ideas independently, but that is complete bullshit. The SNL hacks stole their material from a lesser known comedy group, and thought that nobody would ever call them out on their plagiarism.

“Imagine, one day you come home and it looks like somebody’s robbed your house. What do you want from that situation? We feel like somebody took our stuff, and this isn’t the kind of thing where you can just get it

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Treasonous 12 Fake Republicans Who Voted Against Wall & National Security Must Be Removed From Office

These disgusting fake conservative pussies have to be held accountable, and targeted for removal after their treasonous votes with the Democrats, against National Security and the border wall.

Treasonous 12 Fake Republicans Who Voted Against Wall & National Security Must Be Removed From Office

Treasonous 12 Fake Republicans Who Voted Against Wall & National Security Must Be Removed From Office

These pieces of shit have sided with the criminals on the left to enable out-of-control illegal immigration, crime against Americans.=, and ensure that the terrorists are able to get into our nation as they plan the next 9/11.

Rand Paul (R-KY)
Mike Lee (R-UT)
Susan Collins (R-ME)
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
Mitt Romney (R-UT)
Jerry Moran (R-KS)
Pat Toomey (R-PA)
Rob Portman (R-OH)
Roger Wicker (R-MS)
Marco Rubio (R-FL)
Roy Blunt (R-MO)

Honestly, if you would have asked me before the vote, “Which Republicans will stab President Trump in the back and vote with the corrupt, Open Borders, pro-crime Democrats?” and I would have had 10 of the 12 correct. These 12 fuck-faces are well-known closet Democrats who masquerade as conservatives, and work with the Deep State Enemy to try and destroy President Trump …

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Attorneys for Smeared Covington HS Student Nick Sandmann Release Great New Video Ripping Corrupt Leftist Fake News Media

Watch this video from smeared Covington HS Student Nick Sandmann’s attorneys, and then share the video with your friends and family!

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Now we know that Paul Ryan is protecting Democrat criminals! Ryan blocked subpoenas against Democrat criminals, and is the sole reason why no criminal Democrats have been held accountable for their crimes! SO LETS HOLD PAUL RYAN ACCOUNTABLE!



PAUL RYAN IS DONE!!! HE’S FINISHED! The American People are not going to sit back and allow worthless piece of shit fake conservative, and closet leftist dickhead, Paul Ryan, to destroy conservative policies from the inside.

Closet leftist cock sucker Paul Ryan need to be immediately removed from office!

President Donald Trump is not happy that former House Speaker Paul Ryan blocked subpoenas of people and entities Trump thinks the House GOP should have been investigating during the first two years of his administration.

Trump told Breitbart News in an exclusive lengthy Oval Office interview that Ryan blocked issuance of subpoenas to people he thinks should have been investigated on the political left, and now that the Republicans no longer have the majority in the House,