Disgustingly Deranged Gay Bashing Nazi Tom Arnold Would Endorse Nazis Over President of the United States

WOW!! Tom Arnold is a terminally sick Trump Derangement Syndrome inflicted psycho, who says that he would support a Nazi over the current President of the United States, President Trump – and also makes a gay-bashing statement by saying that President Trump “sucks Putin’s dick all say”.

Do you think that there is even one minute in the day that psycho nutjob Nazi-supporter Tom Arnold isn’t stewing about President Trump?

Tom Arnold’s TDS gets worse everyday – especially since President Trump has boosted the US economy to historic levels – and it’s past time that Tom Arnold be committed to a mental institution until he can gain even a partial grasp of reality.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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Stupid Anti-American Piece of Shit Antisemite Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr. (AKA Snoop Dogg) Mad Jew-Hating Scumbag Louis Farrakhan Booted off Facebook

Dumbfuck anti-American cock sucker Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr, AKA Snoop Dogg, says that the stupid shit that comes out of Louis Farrakhan’s mouth is “the truth” and wants his followers to start posting Louis Farrakhan videos on Facebook so that they can be banned as well.

“How the fuck y’all gonna ban Minister Louis Farrakhan for putting the truth out there?” Snoop asked in a separate video. “I stand with him. I’m with him. Ban me, motherfucker. If you’re down with it like I’m down with it, post your favorite Mr. Farrakhan videos on your Instagram and Facebook page. Show some love to a real brother.” – Stupid Anti-American Piece of Shit Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr. (AKA Snoop Dogg)

Personally, I think that Louis Farrakhan is one of the most disgusting people on the face of the Earth, but I would love to see Snoop’s fans also post Louis Farrakhan’s idiotic brain farts so that they will be removed from Facebook. (not that it would affect me, because I almost never visit Facebook)

Facebook should absolutely ban douchebag druggie Calvin …

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Washed Up Loser Hillary Clinton Says She Lives ‘Rent Free’ Inside President Trump’s Head – Truth Is Just the Opposite

HAHAHAHAHA!!! Democrat criminal loser Hillary Clinton says that she lives rent free inside President Trump’s head, but the reality is that it’s just the other way around.

Washed Up Loser Hillary Clinton Says She Lives 'Rent Free' Inside President Trump's Head - Truth Just the Opposite

Washed Up Loser Hillary Clinton Says She Lives ‘Rent Free’ Inside President Trump’s Head – Truth Just the Opposite

“I’m living rent-free inside of Donald Trump’s brain, and it’s not a very nice place to be, I can tell you that”- TDS Inflicted Democrat Serial Criminal Hillary Clinton

The only time President Trump thinks about washed-up skank criminal Hillary Clinton, is when he thinks about Hillary rotting in a prison cell, but every time this disgusting whore opens her disgusting mouth, she spins another lie about the reasons why she lost to President Trump in the 2016 election.

Hillary Clinton eats, drinks and sleeps Donald Trump – there isn’t one single second throughout the day that Hillary Clinton isn’t stewing over not being elected President, as she feels she was entitled.

Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Tuesday President Trump uses her name to fire up his base and described his fixation on

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Dead Wrong: Dumb Ass Joe Biden Doesn’t Think China Is a Threat to the United States of America

Joe Biden always tries to act smart, but everyone knows that Biden is about as smart as a wet bowl of oatmeal – pretty fucking stupid – and apparently doesn’t think that China is an economic or military threat to the United States of America.

China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man. They can’t even figure out how to deal with the fact that they have this great division between the China Sea and the mountains in the east, I mean in the west, They can’t figure out how they are going to deal with the corruption that exists within the system. I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what, they’re not competition for us. – Brain Dead Democrat Joe Biden

WHAT???? How can someone running for President of the United States be so fucking stupid? Oh Yea, HE’S A DEMOCRAT – that’s why.

Even the other 20 Democrats running for President on the Democrat side of the isle are saying that Joe Biden is dead wrong about his idiotic assessments of China.…

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Low IQ Criminal Cardi B, Who Admits Drugging & Robbing Men, Hates President Trump – Trump Says ‘Who’s Cardi B?’

Cardi B hates President Trump, but I bet President Trump either has no clue who the fuck Cardi B is, or he really would rather that a criminal like Cardi B not be one of his supporters.

Low-IQ scambag Cardi B would come out and say that she hated President Trump, but then say that she doesn’t want to “get political” and talk about it because she may already be in a lot of trouble.

Cardi B, the disgusting criminal whore who admits on video to drugging men that she was paid to screw while working as a prostitute/dancer, and then stealing all of the men’s belongings, and leaving the men there to die – or not – she Cardi B didn’t care.

I highly doubt if the President of the United States gives one flying fuck if a low-life like Cardi B, who appears to have the IQ of a 3rd grader, doesn’t like him though.

Stupid bitch Cardi B admits to having conversations with voices in her head.

“Like you could be talking to me and the voice

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Disgusting CBS Posts Subliminal Messages To Their Followers to ‘Assassinate President Trump’

Disgusting CBS Posts Subliminal Messages To Their Followers to 'Assassinate President Trump'

Disgusting CBS Posts Subliminal Messages To Their Followers to ‘Assassinate President Trump’

Disgusting CBS posted a list on Twitter subliminally telling their nut-job supporters to “Assassinate President Trump”, and needs to be investigated by the Secret Service for this obvious attempt to make their followers assassinate the President of the United States.

Um… Yes, we DID catch some Easter Eggs in your disgusting and probably illegal tweet, CBS.

CBS deleted the tweet after the shit started to hit the fan, but the damage is done – there is no taking this disgusting action back – and CBS needs to be held accountable for their disgusting actions.

CBS crime drama The Good Fight tweeted an image on Friday from a recent episode, entitled, “The One Where Diane Joins the Resistance.” The image showed a character pointing to a list of “target words” that included the phrases “Assassinate President Trump” and “Eliminate Mar-a-Lago.” The tweet, which has since been deleted, sparked backlash among Twitter users, many of whom reported CBS to the Secret Service.

The official CBS Twitter account for The Good

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Untrustworthy Very Fake News CNN Drops to 15th Place in Primetime Ratings As Other Networks Gain

CNN ratings are in a free-fall since their viewers realized that the Very Fake News Network has been lying to them for many years. – and have not told the truth on CNN for at least the past 2.5 years.

Untrustworthy Very Fake News CNN Drops to 15th Place in Primetime Ratings As Other Networks Gain

Untrustworthy Very Fake News CNN Drops to 15th Place in Primetime Ratings As Other Networks Gain

CNN ratings have dropped, like a stone, down to 15th place among other cable networks, while many other cable news networks have stayed pretty steady in viewers, or like Fox, has actually gained viewers.

The fake news liars at CNN have been trying to tell the American People that their ratings have been falling due to “slow news” weeks, but everyone knows that this is just abnother typical lie coming from the least honest and least trustworthy “news” network on TV today.

CNN, the chief co-conspirators behind the Russia Collusion Hoax, has fallen to 15th place in primetime with fewer than 750,000 average viewers.

Throughout all of cable TV, during the week of April 1, Fox News grabbed the most primetime viewers with 2.3

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Ultra Stupid & Corrupt Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters Doesn’t Realize US Government Took Over Student Loans in 2010 While Attacking Bank CEOs

Democrat Maxine Waters is one of the most stupid people on the face of the Earth.

Maxine Waters didn’t even have the brains or the decency to do some actual research into the student loan situation she was interested in before starting to attack the CEO’s of multiple banks, and had to be told by one of the bank CEO’s that the US Government took over the business of handing out student loans back in 2010.

If people with brains didn’t tell Maxine Waters and other dumb-fuck Democrat losers what to say, they would never be able to speak.

Too bad just the fact that someone is a liberal makes them stupid, so it’s understandable how these Democrats keep getting everything completely wrong.

House Financial Services Committee Chair Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) tried to hold three bank CEOs accountable for the student loan crisis – until one of them pointed out to her that the federal government took over the student loan business back in 2010.

At a committee hearing on Wednesday, Rep. Waters spelled out the crisis and demanded

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