HA! Corrupt Creepy Joe Biden Won’t Answer Questions About Biden Family Ukraine Crimes & Corruption

I find it amusing how President Trump answers pretty much every question screamed at him, about any subject, while Joe Biden is too much of a fucking worthless pussy to answer even one question about the crimes of his family in Ukraine.

Creepy Joe Biden definitely knows that he and his son are in some deep shit, which is why he is keeping his mouth shut – and Biden is also probably starting to realize that the Democrats – members of his own party – have thrown him under the bus, because they don’t want Biden to be their Presidential nominee, and also because the Democrats will do ANYTHING to destroy President Trump.

Democrats know with 100% certainty that the Democrats can’t beat President Trump in an …

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Leftist Idiots Decry Fake ‘Global Warming’ Lies While Ignoring the 300K + Babies Murdered Every Year

The idiot leftist Democrats LOVE murdering their babies, and exterminate over 300,000 innocent babies every year, and then turn around and scream bloody murder because apparently these crazies believe the weather is ruining their lives and even killing them. Um… OK…

Leftist Idiots Decry Fake 'Global Warming' Lies While Ignoring the 300K + Babies Murdered Every Year

Leftist Idiots Decry Fake ‘Global Warming’ Lies While Ignoring the 300K + Babies Murdered Every Year

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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Leftist ‘Climate Change’ Hoaxers Now Abusing Mentally Unstable Kids For Political Gain Power Grab

The leftist “climate change” hoaxers are all part of a ruthless and disgusting cult that will stop at nothing to destroy America from the inside, in the name of stopping non-existent man-made “global warming”, and now they are even abusing very young, mentally unstable, and disturbed, children as human shields to cover for their lies.

Yes, Greta.. you shouldn’t be up there. You should be at home and in school. And No Greta… we’re actually not in a mass extinction, and whoever told you that is either a complete liar of a fucking idiot – unless they were talking about the 300,000 babies that leftists murder every year, which is totally true, disgusting, and needs to be ended.

“You make the face of this movement an autistic teenager, who you’re pulling out of school, depriving her of an education, whipping her up into an emotional frenzy, ruining her life! It’s too far! You’ve gone too far! You’ve overplayed your hand – which they always do.” – Michael Knowles

Just watch 16 year-old Swedish “climate change” alarmist, Greta Thunberg, who apparently …

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Democrats Kill 2 Birds with 1 Stone With Bullshit Trump / Ukraine Conspiracy Theory – Allows Attacks on Biden & Trump

The Democrats thought they would try and kill 2 birds with 1 stone with their new bullshit Trump / Ukraine scandal conspiracy theory.

Democrats REALLY don’t want Joe Biden to be their nominee for President in 2020, and the Democrats also want to have some reason why they can continue their wall-to-wall attempts to destroy President Trump and any other conservatives who dare let their political beliefs be known.

  1. It appears that an American spy in one of our intelligence agencies may have been spying on our own president. The complaint suggests that this intel agent was secretly listening in on Trump’s conversation with a foreign leader. Was this person officially asked to listen to the conversation or was he or she secretly listening in? We don’t know.
  2. This agent, who is an unelected and inferior federal employee in the government hierarchy, apparently believes that it is his/her job to second-guess the motivation behind the words of the elected president, who is the most superior officer in the U.S. government.
  3. Article II of the Constitution gives the president sweeping power

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MSNBC Fake News Hack Liar Donny Deutsch Doesn’t Have the Cojones to Tell The Truth to America

HAHA!! Democrats, like MSNBC douchebag Donny Deutsch and others, are trying to goad President Trump into taking America to war – so that they can turn around and attack him for it.

MSNBC Fake News Hack Liar Donny Deutsch Doesn't Have the Cojones to Tell The Truth to America

I doubt that the best President in US History, President Trump, will fall for the Democrat’s trap. Trump doesn’t fall into traps – he is too smart for that – President Trump sets the traps, and springs them on the hapless Democrat idiots just when they think they’re winning – they’re actually losing.. bad!

Truth is.. MSNBC Fake News Hack Donny Deutsch openly commit journalist malpractice with their irresponsible and false stories, and it’s Donny Deutsch that doesn’t have the cojones to tell the fucking truth to the American People.

Deutsch knows he would be eaten alive by the other leftist Socialist crazies that make up the Democrat part, if anything that eeven remotely resembled the truth came out of huis mouth.. So we’ll continue to receive loads of bullshit every time Deutsch opens his trap.

Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” network contributor Donny Deutsch said people could “feel

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Gay Joke Democrat Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg Allowed Klopfer House of Horrors & 2246 Stolen Murdered Babies

Gay mayor of South Bend Indiana, and joke Democrat presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg, allowed baby murderer Ulrich Klopfer to abuse the babies he murdered, and then to keep at least 2246 bodies of the murdered babies in his home as trophies.

One of the worst baby murderers was operating in in Pete Buttigieg’s back yard for decades – and defended the abortion industry in his state.

After Ulrich Klopfer was busted murdering the baby of a 13 year old underage girl, without parental consent, Pete Buttigieg had an opportunity to stop the psychotic baby murderer from committing more crimes, but Buttigieg did nothing.

Buttigieg also blocked the opening of a pro-life pregnancy center, and instead opted to push for more baby murder mills in South Bend Indiana.

It took Pete Buttigieg weeks to respond to a story that he claims is “extremely disturbing” to him – though we know that is not the case. Buttigieg loves the ability to murder babies, just like the rest of the disgusting leftist Democrats, and is probably jealous that Ulrich Klopfer was able to …

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President Trump Signs Newly-Constructed Section of Southern Border Wall During Visit to US / Mexico Border

Watch President Trump sign a new section of the new US / Mexico border wall with a Sharpie, while visiting the border yesterday. What a great President!

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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Racist Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Wore Dark Black Shoe Polish On Hands & Face Multiple Times

I think we’re about to see the last of Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, one way or the other, after new revelations reveal, and Trudeau acknowledges that he wore extreme blackface, including his hands as well, on multiple occasions. BOOM!

Racist Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Wore Dark Black Shoe Polish On Hands & Face Multiple Times

Racist Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Wore Dark Black Shoe Polish On Hands & Face Multiple Times

Personally, I think it’s funny that that Justin Trudeau has royally screwed himself and his political career by being a racist piece of crap, and also amazing at the same time that it took this long for the racist Trudeau blackface pictures to be revealed.

The corrupt Fake News Media Liars are trying to cover for Racist Loser Justin Trudeau, calling the shoe polish “face-darkening makeup” and claiming how Trudeau isn’t racist, and just really liked to dress up in makeup. Bullshit! Justin Trudeau is a racist piece of shit!

“Makeup is what people wear to enhance or improve the look of their skin. Makeup is what even I might wear to a wedding this weekend. Brownface ain’t makeup. Brownface is having a laugh

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