EPA Warns Leftist Douchebag CA Gov. Gavin Newsom With 30 Days to Address Homeless & Piss/Shit-Filled Streets

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has warned California Shithole douchebag Gov. Gavin Newsom that they have 30 days to address their out-of-control problems with homelessness and the disgusting diseased shit and piss filled streets.

EPA Warns Leftist Douchebag CA Gov. Gavin Newsom With 30 Days to Address Homeless & Piss/Shit-Filled Streets

EPA Warns Leftist Douchebag CA Gov. Gavin Newsom With 30 Days to Address Homeless & Piss/Shit-Filled Streets

The way that dumbfuck leftist loser CA Gov. Gavin Newsom has been running California is against the law, and the EPA and the American People aren’t going to stand by and watch Newsom continue breaking the law.

Newsom is to fucking stupid do anything to help the problem though, and we have a good feeling that the US Government will have to go in and clean up the California shithole.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wrote to the State of California on Thursday, warning it that it may be violating federal water quality laws by failing to deal with the homeless crisis and the pollution it causes.

President Trump hinted last week during a fundraising trip to the state that the EPA might be planning to act against

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Former Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Thomas Homan Destroys DNC Rep. Pramila Jayapal

HAHAHA!!!!! I LOVE THIS GUY!!!! Former Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Thomas Homan absolutely DESTROYED stupid Democrat skank Rep. Pramila Jayapal. We need a lot more of this right now, but most Republicans are too weak to hold the Democrats accountable.

Former Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Thomas Homan Destroys DNC Rep. Pramila Jayapal

“Look, you wanna know why there’s 50,000 people in detention? You wanna know why we have one million illegal entries into the United States? You wanna know why we have these issues? Because you have failed to secure the border. You guys failed to work with this President to close the 3 loopholes we’ve asked for 2 years to close. So if you wanna know why this issue exists? You need to look in the mirror. You have failed the American People by not securing the border and closing loopholes.” – Rockstar Former ICE Director Thomas Homan

“Last hearing, I was called a racist and a bigot for enforcing laws that you enacted. What does that make you? You wrote the law.” – Former

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Tough True Conservative Darrell Issa Announces New Run For Congress in 2020

YES!!!! Darrell Issa has announced that he will be running for a seat in Congress again, hopefully taking the seat of Rep. Duncan Hunter.

Tough True Conservative Darrell Issa Announces New Run For Congress in 2020

Tough True Conservative Darrell Issa Announces New Run For Congress in 2020

We need more tough conservatives like Darrell Issa in Congress to combat the crazy lying leftists, who refuse to abide by the laws of our nation, and continue the biggest political sham “investigation” into President Trump in an illegal and treasonous coup attempt.

It would be great if we could get some more good & tough conservatives in Congress to replace some of the other weak-ass fake conservatives, who are just Democrats acting as conservatives to be elected.

Former Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) confirmed on Thursday morning that he would officially be mounting a congressional comeback and running to unseat his one-time colleague Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA).

“I will be the next congressman from the 50th Congressional district,” Issa announced during a news conference in San Diego County. “I have the history, the skills, the seniority, and the capability to hit the ground running,

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Little Pencil Dick Liar Adam Schiff Makes Up Lie-Filled Conversation Between President Trump & Ukrainian President

Little Pencil Dick Adam Schiff is the biggest fucking loser on the face of the Earth, who has nothing on President Trump, so Schiff has to make shit up to try and make a case in the Democrat’s new professional hit-job to remove President Trump from office.

Little Pencil Dick Adam Schiff Makes Up Lie-Filled Conversation Between President Trump & Ukrainian President

Little Pencil Dick Adam Schiff Makes Up Lie-Filled Conversation Between President Trump & Ukrainian President

“So, you know, we’re not psychiatrists here, but honestly, Adam Schiff is a nut case. It’s true. It’s hard to believe he is in Congress. Poor people of Anaheim, or wherever he is from — Southern California, the Valley somewhere. It’s hard to believe he is in actually in Congress. He is actually a committee chairman. Believe it or not. Too bad the 25th Amendment doesn’t apply to Members of Congress.” – Tucker Carlson

“It is disturbing and outrageous that Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff opens up a hearing of this importance with improvised fake dialogue between President Trump and President Zelenskyy.” – Rep. Elise Stefanik

“As expected, it is hearsay without first hand knowledge

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Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire Calls Leftist Beta Male Eric Swalwell ‘Congresswoman’

HAHAHA!!!! Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire just called Eric Swalwell “Congresswoman”!!

Ha! Maguire is right. Eric Swalwell is a total fucking woman.

Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire Calls Leftist Beta Male Eric Swalwell 'Congresswoman'

Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire Calls Leftist Beta Male Eric Swalwell ‘Congresswoman’

NOW Joseph Maguire just called Democrat Rep Jackie Speier “Congressman” multiple times!

This is great! I need some popcorn!

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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Instructions to Deciphering Leftist Fake News – Their Accusations Are Really Confessions

I’ll go through the news, and tell you exactly how to read and decipher what the Democrats are saying regarding President Trump, Joe Biden and Ukraine. It’s pretty easy, and works with every accusation the Democrats hurl – just take the horrible things that the Democrats accuse the Republicans of doing, and reverse it.

Crazy Creepy Grandpa Groper Democrat Joe Biden Tries Reassuring DNC & Voters 'I'm Not Going Nuts'

Crazy Creepy Grandpa Groper Democrat Joe Biden Tries Reassuring DNC & Voters ‘I’m Not Going Nuts’

So if the Democrats say “Joe Smith doesn’t pay his taxes.” Than means that the Democrats are tax evaders – and in reality, most of the Democrats feel they are above you and me, above the law, and above paying taxes, so that’s a great example.

So how about today’s news?

The group of criminals called the Democrat party, claimed that there was a quid pro quo between President Trump and and Ukraine, when there wasn’t.

BUT there actually WAS a quid pro quo when Democrats tried to pressure Ukraine to drop an investigation into Hunter Biden, and for dirt on President Trump. Democrat Senators Menendez, Durbin, Leahy and Chris …

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Uh Oh!!! Very Bad News For Creepy Criminal Joe Biden As Durham Adding Ukraine Crimes to FISAGATE Investigation

Creepy criminal Joe Biden and son Hunter both received some very troubling news today – that U.S. Attorney John Durham will be adding the Biden’s Ukraine crimes into his existing investigation into Democrat FISAGATE crimes.

The Democrats knew that this would happen, and are currently high-fiving each other now that they know Biden is all but one in the Presidential Race, but the Bidens are not having fun at all.

The Bidens have been trying every underhanded trick they could to push their Ukraine guilt onto President Trump, including the Democrat’s special “deflection & projection technique”, but the Democrats constant attempts to remove President Trump from office using lies is just not going to work.

The American People have seen the Democrat’s game-plan play out way too many times like a slow-motion trainwreck, and have gotten way too smart to fall for the corrupt Democrat tricks again.

We predict that Joe Biden is out of the race in a week, and that soon after we will start learning how it was the Democrats who wanted Biden out of the race …

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Stupid Senile Democrat Skank Nancy Pelosi Lied About ‘Impeachment’ – No Official Impeachment Until Democrats Vote

Disgusting senile skank liar Democrat Nancy Pelosi claims that the Democrats started an “Official Impeachment Inquiry”, but that is just one more lie of many.

It was all a disgraceful political show by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats, showing disrespect to the American People with their lies and sham “investigations”.

“We are going on hearsay, rumor, and innuendo. That’s how she has chosen to run the government… This is what makes the American people so frustrated. Instead of governing and doing proper oversight they are abusing the rules of the House, abusing the processes of the House, to make a political statement.”

In reality, the Democrats can not start an impeachment of President Trump without holding and winning a vote on the House Floor – but Nancy Pelosi won’t force the Democrats to vote for their sham “impeachment” because she knows that if they do many of the Democrats will lose their seats in the 2020 election. – Rep. Doug Collins

So, instead of actually doing what she claims that they are doing, she and the Democrats are lying, and …

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