Ukrainian Donor for Schiff and Pelosi Awarded High-Dollar Defense Contracts After Donating to Democrat Criminals

Democrats Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi are horrible criminals, who have been accepting donations from foreign governments, including Ukrainian arms dealers, and then handing out high-dollar US Defense contracts to the corrupt foreign governments as payback for the political donations.

Try and imagine the worst criminal things that your government, or people in your government, could ever do, and the Democrats have already been there and done that, and are now moved on to far more despicable crimes against America.

There needs to be full investigations into the pay for play crimes, and many other crimes of the Democrats – starting with bumbling, fumbling dufus Democrat serial criminals Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, who each belong in a prison cell for the rest of their lives.

Speaker Pelosi and Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff are both connected to a Ukrainian arms dealer. This is why they lie in front of the nation. They are afraid of their own deeds being uncovered!

As reported this morning [September 29th], Adam Schiff leads the House Intelligence Committee and this past week he oversaw the

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Democrat Criminals Busted Colluding With Ukraine To Influence & Sway 2016 Election In Hillary’s Favor

We already know about Democrats colluding with Russia to try and take down President Trump, but now we are also learning about the Democrat criminal’s collusion with Ukraine to help enable their illegal spying on the Trump Campaign, interfering in the 2016 election, and then in the Democrats subsequent failed illegal and treasonous coup attempts against the President of the United States.

Joe Biden was already freaking out that Politico posted an article that busted the Democratic National Committee for their election interference and collusion between the government of Ukraine to influence the 2016 election, and now they’ve gone off the deep end – never to return.

“Every time we stop the bleeding, something else happens and the cycle starts again. He’s short tempered and spends time discussing legal matters with attorneys.” – Biden Campaign Insider

READ THE POLITICO ARTICLE HERE: Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

One of the most chilling parts of that article revealed that Chalupa had told Ukrainian officials that the Democrats planned hearings prior to the election attempting to tie Trump to Russia, months before

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TDS Inflicted Deep State Inspector General Changed Fake ‘Whistleblower’ Complaint To Increase Damage to WH

Michael Atkinson, the TDS-inflicted deep state intelligence community inspector general (ICIG), appears to have edited the fake “whistleblower” complaint to get the fake Democrat-created complaint out to the fake news media and the public, and especially to try and cause more damage to President Trump.

“First of all, you have the change of the forms. You no longer had to have firsthand information; you had to have secondhand information. Clearly they backdated it to August. The evidence is clear that it didn’t change on the website until the 25th of September. So the form that the whistleblower filled out — he actually filled out the old form that said you had to have firsthand knowledge. The whistleblower readily admits he doesn’t have firsthand knowledge. So conveniently the IG did this, claims that was always the case, claims it wasn’t the law; I already told you, he’s going to have more questions to answer” – Rep. Devin Nunes

So, on top of the biggest group of brainless criminal losers to ever hold power in America – the Democrats – now we …

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President Trump Tells Democrat Criminals To Go Pound Sand – Vote On Sham Impeachment Or Shut the Fuck Up!

HAHAHA!!! Nancy Pelosi has been trying to ram through a fake “impeachment” process, which would give the Democrats full power to attack, smear and destroy Republicans, including the President of the United States, without giving President Trump and the Republicans any opportunity to defend themselves.

President Trump Tells Democrat Criminals To Go Pound Sand - Vote On Sham Impeachment Or Shut the Fuck Up!

President Trump Tells Democrat Criminals To Go Pound Sand – Vote On Sham Impeachment Or Shut the Fuck Up!

Too bad Nancy Pelosi is senile and useless, because President Trump and the Republicans are not going to play along, and have notified the Democrat Criminals that they can go pound fucking sand! It would have been great if they told the Democrats to go fuck themselves when they started threatening impeachment on the first day of Trump Administration – he definitely should have!

IF disgusting senile skank Nancy Pelosi wants to tery and impeach President Trump, then she MUST follow the fucking rules and hold a vote on the House floor.

Otherwise, it is not a real impeachment, and The White House doesn’t have to continue playing the Democrat’s Game of Coups until they do.…

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RNC & American People Need to Do More to Stop Little Pencil Dick Adam Schiff & Democrat Coup Attempts

“IT’S TIME TO FIGHT BACK!” – The most belated revelation I’ve ever heard! It’s far PAST time to start fighting back! We need to start punching back at these Democrat criminals, like Adam Schiff and many others! Pop ’em in the mouth, and make them bleed! (politically, that is..)

RNC & American People Need to Do More to Stop Little Pencil Dick Adam Schiff & Democrat Coup Attempts

RNC & American People Need to Do More to Stop Little Pencil Dick Adam Schiff & Democrat Coup Attempts

Little Pencil Dick Adam “Shifty” Schiff is a criminal who belongs in a prison cell, right next to Obama, Clinton, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Rosenstein, Weismann, Lynch, Rice, Strzok, Page, and both Ohr’s.

The Republicans and the American People who still believe in the rule of law, need to stand up and fight against the unbelievable Democrat & Fake News Media corruption, because the leftists are getting more and more desperate, and their attacks are getting worse every time – though it’s the same attack, just dressed up differently.

Democrat lawmakers also requested documents from the Pompeo State Department on Ukraine.

Today the State Department sent over the documents and announced they

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Disgusting Lowlife Criminal Javonte Darion Alexander Busted For Horrible Animal Cruelty of Cat

Tweaked-out 22-year-old Javonte Darion Alexander is a worthless piece of shit criminal, who was caught on camera viciously attacking and torturing a small cat for no reason, other than just being a disgusting animal.

Disgusting Lowlife Criminal Javonte Darion Alexander Busted For Horrible Animal Cruelty of Cat

Disgusting Lowlife Criminal Javonte Darion Alexander Busted For Horrible Animal Cruelty of Cat

Javonte Darion Alexander was caught on video picking up the cat and violently throwing it across a pool , and then repeatedly smash the cat in the head with his hands and with a shoe. The violent criminal also held the cat under water to kill it.

It takes a big man to torture a tiny cat, doesn’t it? Fucking loser! Too bad that worthless piece of shit didn’t fall in, and floating at the bottom of that fucking pool.

A 22-year-old man has been charged with animal cruelty by torture after he was allegedly caught on camera torturing a cat.

Deputies said on Sept. 7, Javonte Darion Alexander was seen on surveillance video picking up the cat and violently throwing it into an apartment pool in the 900 block of Cypress Station

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Treasonous Democrat Criminal Adam Schiff Participated in Creation of Fake ‘Whistleblower’ Complaint

Treasonous Democrat criminal Adam Schiff definitely knew about the fake “whistleblower” complaint against President Trump for at least a few weeks before it was filed, and probably knew about it much longer – because Schiff planned the whole fucking thing.

“At no point did the Committee review or receive the complaint in advance..The Committee did not receive the complaint until the night before the Acting Director of National Intelligence’s open hearing before the Committee” – Schiff Spox Patrick Bolan

BULLSHIT! Everyone knows that treasonous criminal Adam Schiff is the epicenter of Democrat corruption and abuse of government powers. Even the New York Times knows that Adam Schiff and his people are lying, and also that piece of shit liar Adam Schiff has actually spoken directly with the whistleblower!

Treasonous Democrat Criminal Adam Schiff Participated in Creation of Fake 'Whistleblower' Complaint

Treasonous Democrat Criminal Adam Schiff Participated in Creation of Fake ‘Whistleblower’ Complaint

In fact, treasonous piece of shit criminal Adam Schiff didn’t only know about the complaint ahead of time, but Shifty Adam Schiff actually participated in the creation of the fake “whistleblower” complaint, which is why he knew what was coming …

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