DOJ Announces Arrest of Criminal Democrat Defense Official Henry Kyle Frese For Leaking Classified Info to Journalists

DOJ Announces Arrest of Criminal Democrat Defense Official Henry Kyle Frese For Leaking Classified Info to JournalistseWell, we have our first arrest of a Democrat who leaked classified information to a journalist, who he was apparently sleeping with.

Defense Official counterintelligence analyst Henry Kyle Frese was busted on two counts of transmitting nation defense information, and faces years in prison for his crimes.

If there is actual “justice” in America, this will be just the start, as many more Democrats will be arrested, indicted and sent to prison for their crimes against America.

The feds busted a Defense Intelligence Agency worker Wednesday for leaking classified national defense information to two journalists in 2018 and 2019 — one of whom he was shacking up with.

Henry Kyle Frese, 30, a counterintelligence analyst from Alexandria, Virginia, who had a Top Secret security clearance, was indicted Tuesday on two counts of willful transmission of national defense information to persons not entitled to receive it.

“Frese was caught red-handed disclosing sensitive national security information for personal gain,” said John C. Demers, assistant attorney general for national security, who cited ex-Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ vow to pursue leakers as the motivation

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Matt Lauer Accused of Pulling a ‘Bill Clinton’ & Anal Raping Co-Worker Brooke Nevils At 2014 Sochi Olympics – NBC Covers Up

New accusations against disgraced sexual predator Matt Lauer claim that Lauer anally raped NBC co-worker Brooke Nevils while at the Sochi Olympics in 2014, which NBC helped cover-up and swept under the rug. We call this crime “Pulling a Clinton”.

Matt Lauer Accused of Pulling a 'Bill Clinton' & Anal Raping Co-Worker Brooke Nevils At 2014 Sochi Olympics - NBC Covers Up

Matt Lauer Accused of Pulling a ‘Bill Clinton’ & Anal Raping Co-Worker Brooke Nevils At 2014 Sochi Olympics – NBC Covers Up

“Once she was in his hotel room, Nevils alleges, Lauer — who was wearing a T-shirt and boxers — pushed her against the door and kissed her. He then pushed her onto the bed, “flipping her over, asking if she liked anal sex,” Farrow writes. “She said that she declined several times.”

What makes the accusation even worse, is the fact that Lauer victim Brooke Nevils says that she told a lot of people, including NBC management, about Matt Lauer raping her, but nothing was done, other than to sweep the crime under the NBC rug.

She claims she “told like a million people” & “told her colleagues and superiors at NBC”, but still nothing was done to …

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Stupid Heartless Democrat Socialist Bernie Sanders Says Murdering Babies Helps the Environment – So Does Leftist Suicide

Stupid Socialist Democrat Bernie Sanders, who just had a heart attack and heart surgery, says that humans can save the environment by murdering their babies!

How fucking heartless and disgusting is Bernie Sanders and the baby murder loving Democrats?

Well, if murdering babies will help the environment, then committing suicide would help the environment even more, so why doesn’t Bernie Sanders and the Democrats start pushing Eco-Suicide to heal the Earth?

I mean, why wait all that time to kill babies, when these retarded leftists can skip the middle man, and just kill themselves? Think of all of the CO2 that the Earth will be spared from if these leftists just did the right thing and committed suicide as soon as they realized they were leftists!

I’m sure there are lots of people who will assist the leftists in killing themselves, and maybe Bernie Sanders should kick things off as an example to his sheep followers.

Just when you think you’ve heard it all, you say to yourself, could that have actually been said? It’s really sick when you think

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President Trump & White House Send Letter Telling Criminal Impeachment Democrats to Eat Shit

HAHAHA!!! I Love that our President is finally able to stick up for himself, and is doing a great job defending himself from the entire Left, and without much help at all from worthless pussy Lindsay Graham and rest of the nutless Republicans, save a few.

Read the White House letter to the Democrat criminals here.

Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, Kevin McCarthy, Matt Gaetz, Lee Zeldin and a few other Republicans are doing a good job, but most of the others are not only completely fucking worthless, but they are also a detriment to the Republican Party who need to be replaced by better people in the next election.

“Put simply, you seek to overturn the results of the 2016 election and deprive the American people of the President they have freely chosen. Many Democrats now apparently view impeachment not only as a means to undo the democratic results of the last election, but as a strategy to influence the next election, which is barely more than a year away. As one member of Congress explained, he is “concerned that

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Criminal Hillary Clinton Waiting For Frightening FISAGATE Reports Before Jumping Into Race

Democrat serial criminal Hillary Clinton is just chilling her cankles and back/leg braces for now, but there is no doubt in my mind that the disgusting skank is running for President in 2020, if she isn’t indicted in a few weeks, that is..

Hillary Clinton is waiting to see what damage is done by the two reports that should be coming out pretty soon, which could spell the end to Hillary Clinton, and many other Democrat’s freedom for a very long time, before jumping into the race.

It would really suck, and be pretty embarrassing, if someone were to announce that she’s running for President, and get people ramped up, only to have a report come out showing all of the many crimes she committed – and then she craws back under a rock somewhere in the woods.

Waiting also allows her to skip all of the debates and danger of being asked real questions about her criminal actions, crimes of the Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, Seth Rich, Uranium One, email servers, deleted emails, destroyed devices, The Clinton Death List, and …

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Criminally-Corrupt Democrats Hide Fake ‘Whistleblower’ From Congress, American People To Protect Latest Scam


Criminally-Corrupt Democrats Hide Fake 'Whistleblower' From Congress, American People To Protect Latest Scam

Criminally-Corrupt Democrats Hide Fake ‘Whistleblower’ From Congress, American People To Protect Latest Scam

‘Democracy’ isn’t dying in the darkness, our republic is being assaulted in broad daylight by this effort of the Democrats.

Criminally-corrupt Democrats are hiding their so-called “whistleblower” from the Republicans in Congress, and also from the American People. The Democrats are even talking about holding hearings in a secret hidden location, and hiding the identity and voice of their patsy.

You might ask yourself.. ‘Why would “Little Pencil Dick” Adam Schiff and putrid skank Nancy Pelosi want to hide their two or more fake “whistleblowers” (treasonous spies) from members of Congress and the American People?’

The answer is because the Democrat’s new Ukraine angle is just more stupid but dangerous bullshit, which has already been debunked, and the Democrats know that their lies will completely disintegrate, and their crimes known, once the American …

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President Trump Rips Pelosi & Schiff in Answers Media Questions After Signing US-Japan Trade & Digital Trade Agreements

Watch President Trump’s remarks in the Roosevelt Room at the White House, after signing the historic US-Japan Trade Agreement, and US-Japan Digital Trade Agreement, and as usual, answering a large number of impromptu questions thrown at him.

President Trump spoke for just over 32 minutes after the signing, and answered media questions for another 24+ minutes, and ripped disgusting criminals Senile Shank Nancy Pelosi and “Little Pencil Dick” Adam Schiff new assholes in the process!

“I just saw a poll that just came out where I’m up massively with Independent Voters. I don’t know if it’s this or because of the hoax, you know, that’s going on with Nancy Pelosi and her umm.. friend.. Adam Schiff. He’s another beauty.. He got caught lying all over the place – he doesn’t know what to do. He’s a mess! Right now, he’s a mess, and everybody knows it. Just, all you have to do is a little good reporting, and you’ll see he’s a total mess, because he got caught.” – President Trump

“Nancy Pelosi knew of all of the many Shifty

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Democrat Socialist Bernie Sanders Campaign Denies Heart Attack – Use Coded Terms That Mean ‘Heart Attack’

After having a heart attack, heart surgery, and then denying it, Bernie Sanders and his bad heart are all but done in the 2020 election.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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