NBC Director John Sullivan Given SNL & Fake News ‘Payback’ Beat-Down in Midtown New York

NBC director John Sullivan, who has worked on shows like “The Tonight Show,” “NBC Nightly News” and “Saturday Night Live”, was given a payback beat-down for the bullshit and lies that his network (NBC) pushes on their viewers.

NBC Director John Sullivan Given SNL & Fake News ‘Payback’ Beat-Down in Midtown New York

Personally, I don’t feel at all bad for any piece of shit loser who works for NBC, and has ANYTHING to do with the leftist America-hating “Saturday Night Live” TV show – and I actually find it quite funny that this stupid probable leftist got his ass kicked – by some of their own people.

Maybe, if more fake news liars feared for their safety, due to their fake “reporting”, then these fake news liars just MIGHT start telling the truth to the American People.. Probably not though.

A gang of ghoulish bullies broke into a bizarre Halloween dance in front of a television director on his way to work, then pummeled the senior when he tried to walk around them, police said.

John Sullivan, 72, had

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Democrats Will Never Intentionally Allow Easily-Impeached HoaxBlowers Identity To Be Revealed

The Democrats know that the second they reveal the identity of their HoaxBlowers, conservatives in the media will do 2 minutes of journalism to reveal that the HoaxBlower is really just a paid Democrat spy, who colluded with corrupt Pencil Dick Loser Adam Schiff and others in the Democrats’ latest failed coup attempt against the President of the United States.

Democrats Will Never Intentionally Allow Easily-Impeached HoaxBlowers Identity To Be Revealed

Democrats Will Never Intentionally Allow Easily-Impeached HoaxBlowers Identity To Be Revealed

So, the Democrats will never allow the American People to see their fake “whistleblower”, and they will never actually go through with the House vote for the impeachment of President Donald Trump because they definitely don’t want to give Republicans the subpoena powers needed to refute the Democrat’s latest political scam / sideshow.

This is all a fake Democrat political show to try and slough off some of their dirt by slinging it at President Trump, to try and make the President of the United States look as dirty as the Democrats truly are.

The American People will not stand for more Democrat Coup attempts against our President, and …

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From Paradise to Shit: Democrats Have Completely Destroyed California And Only Conservatives Can Fix It!

From Paradise to Shit: Democrats Have Completely Destroyed California And Only Conservatives Can Fix It!

From Paradise to Shit: Democrats Have Completely Destroyed California And Only Conservatives Can Fix It!

Corrupt self-serving leftist Democrat criminals and liars, like corrupt piece of shit Gov. Gavin Newsom, have completely fucking destroyed the state of California!

Democrats have turned the once-beautiful CA paradise into a total shithole cesspool, where you have to literally step over piles of shit, piss and drug needles in the streets – where mid evil diseases are starting to make comebacks – where the Democrats fight more for – and care more for the illegal pieces of shit criminals invading our nation’s borders than the HOMELESS AMERICANS sleeping on the street, and filling tent cities all over the streets of California.

Hell.. maybe we’d be better off if California cracked off North America and sunk to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

Seriously though, the Democrat-run California shit-hole sucks soo bad that they are actually intentionally cutting off power to large areas, and groups of people at a time, which is causing a lot of other health and financial problems, and actually killing people!…

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Trump Hating Closet Libtard Douchebag Shepard Smith Finally Gone From Fox News!

YES!!! Stupid leftist douchebag Trump hater Shepard Smith is finally leaving fox!

Trump Hating Closet Libtard Douchebag Shepard Smith Finally Gone From Fox News!

Trump Hating Closet Libtard Douchebag Shepard Smith Finally Gone From Fox News!

It’s about time! Shepard Smith isn’t done though, as his hatred of the President of the United States was the perfect interview for Shepard Smith’s next step down to the fake news networks

You know it’s a good thing for conservatives if psycho nutjob Tom Arnold is pissed off.

Next stop, CNN or MSNBC – most likely CNN.

Good Riddance Shepard Smith! Don’t let the door smack you on the ass on the way out, loser!

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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Democrat Criminal Adam “Pencil Dick” Schiff Under Federal Investigation For Frequent Visits to Ed Buck’s Meth, Sex & Death House

So…. We’re starting to read stories saying that “Little Pencil Dick” Democrat Adam Schiff is currently under federal investigation in regards to Schiff’s very frequent visits to Democrat Donor Ed Buck’s meth-fueled-gay sex orgy & death house, where apparently at least 2 men have been killed, and a 3rd almost killed, by Ed Buck’s apparent obsession with gay sex orgies on meth.

Democrat Criminal Adam “Pencil Dick” Schiff Under Federal Investigation For Frequent Visits to Ed Buck’s Meth, Sex & Death House

Adam “Pencil Dick” Schiff visited Ed Buck’s meth and death house at least 16 times! What was Adam Schiff spending his time in a drug house where male prostitutes and drug addicts were abused and even murdered?

  • Why did Democrat Adam Schiff spend soo much time in the Ed Buck’s meth & gay sex house of horrors?
  • Was “Little Pencil Dick” involved in any of the meth-fueled gay sex orgies, or the deaths of the 2 men?
  • How much meth has Adam Schiff used while at Ed Bucks home?
  • How many gay male prostitutes did “Little Pencil Dick”

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Violent Psycho Leftist Loser Alec Baldwin & Others Continue Blowing President Assassination Dog Whistle After More Failed Coups

America-hating Socialist Democrats, like violent psycho douchebag Alec Baldwin, continue blowing their dog whistle, calling for the Democrat’s Brown Shirt Domestic Terrorists to assassinate President Trump – because they KNOW that they have no chance to beat him in an election, and all of the Democrat’s treasonous coup attempts keep blowing up in the Democrat’s faces.

Violent Psycho Leftist Loser Alec Baldwin & Others Continue Blowing President Assassination Dog Whistle After More Failed Coups

Violent Psycho Leftist Loser Alec Baldwin & Others Continue Blowing President Assassination Dog Whistle After More Failed Coups

“If u voted for Trump, put ur faith in him bc u thought he was a decisive, plain-speaking, self-made business “leader”, now u, perhaps, realize none of that is true. He is a disease that is killing this county and must be eradicated. Get rid of him. And good things will follow.”

Too bad nobody but 1/2 brained leftists believe stupid, violent, leftist, dickhead, pussies like Alec Baldwin, and most Americans know that Alec Baldwin and the other America-hating Socialist Democrats are the real “disease killing this country”, and who must be eradicated to save America.

Alec Baldwin should just go kill himself if he truly …

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Stupid Radical Anti-American Leftist Predator Robert De Niro Accused of Sexual Harassment of Former Employee

Robert De Niro is just another Democrat sexual predator, who apparently can’t actually get it up without Viagra, but is a stupid, dirty and creepy old man just the same, who has been accused of sexually harassing an employee.

Stupid Radical Anti-American Leftist Predator Robert De Niro Accused of Sexual Harassment of Former Employee Stupid Radical Anti-American Leftist Predator Robert De Niro Accused of Sexual Harassment of Former Employee/caption]

Graham Chase Robinson, a former employee of sexual predator Robert De Niro says that De Niro sexually harassed her while on the job.

“De Niro made vulgar, inappropriate, and gendered comments to Ms. Robinson. He would joke with Ms. Robinson about his Viagra prescription. De Niro smirked to Ms. Robinson about his young paramour, who was around Ms. Robinson’s age. De Niro directed Ms. Robinson to imagine him on the toilet. He told Ms. Robinson that doing manual labor would ‘make a man out of you.’ De Niro suggested that Ms. Robinson could get pregnant using sperm from her (married) male co-worker.”

I bet there are many more women out there who predator Robert De Niro sexually harassed or abused, and my bet is that, very …

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NBA Houston Rockets Media Officer Cuts Off Reporter Asking Question About Chinese Human Rights Violations

The ball-less NBA Houston Rockets media officer cut off a CNN reporter asking a question about the freedom of their speech regarding the protests of Chinese human rights violations in Hong Kong.

The reporter starts asking her question, and gets cut off, and then it appears that the Houston Rockets players were instructed not to answer the question.

“The NBA has always been a league that prides itself on its players and coaches being able to speak out openly about political and social affairs. I just wonder after the events of this week, and the fallout we’ve seen, whether you would both feel differently about speaking out in that way in the future?” – CNN reporter Christina Macfarlane

It’s rare that someone from CNN asks real questions, so when they do, we’d like to see the questions actually answered.

Instead of being able to answer the reporter’s question, and talk about the huge problems going on now with China and Hong Kong, the NBA has given up American Freedom to a Socialist nation, and NBA players are now forced to …

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