Stupid Fat & Racist Rutgers Professor Brittney Cooper Blames Trump For Making Her Terminally Obese

This is a new one. Everyone has heard the Democrat’s wall-to wall lies attacking President Trump and his supporters as every negative thing under the sun, but now a stupid racist fat-ass Rutgers professor says that President Trump is responsible for making her a disgusting tub-o-goo.

Stupid Fat & Racist Rutgers Professor Brittney Cooper Blames Trump For Making Her Terminally Obese

Stupid Fat & Racist Rutgers Professor Brittney Cooper Blames Trump For Making Her Terminally Obese

“I hate when people talk about Black women being obese. I hate it, because it becomes a way to blame us for a set of conditions that we didn’t create.” – @ProfessorCrunk – Stupid Fat & Racist Rutgers Professor Brittney Cooper.

Brittney Cooper says her fatness is a situation that she didn’t create, and that President Trump is making their diets not work… Like Brittney Cooper ever dieted a day in her life! HAHAHA!!

“We are living in the Trump era. And look, those policies kill our people. You can’t get access to good health care, good insurance. It’s literally that the racism that you’re experiencing and the struggle to make ends meet actually means the diet don’t

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Thin Skinned Fake Conservative Loser Willard Mitt Romney Used Fake ‘Pierre Delecto’ Account to Defend Himself on Twitter

“C’est moi.”??? HAHAHAHA!!! Anti-Trump fake conservative douchebag, Willard Mitt Romney, AKA “Pierre Delecto” on social media??? Just like Anthony Weiner AKA “Carlo Danger”, but worse and a lot more funny!

Thin Skinned Fake Conservative Loser Willard Mitt Romney Used Fake 'Pierre Delecto' Account to Defend Himself on Twitter

Thin Skinned Fake Conservative Loser Willard Mitt Romney Used Fake ‘Pierre Delecto’ Account to Defend Himself on Twitter

Let’s go over Willard’s thought process when choosing the name “Pierre Dilecto”.

Pierre Dilecto = Delectable Peter = Delicious Penis

Actually, it’s weird to say, but Anthony Weiner has more credibility than Willard Mitt Romney. Anthony “Carlo Danger” Weiner was only using his secret social media accounts to hook up with chics, but Mitt “Pierre Delecto” Romney was oonly using his fake social media accounts to lie to the American People, and make it look like SOMEONE else out there gave a shit about him – which they obviously do not – hence the fake account.

“The man’s 72 years old. Having fake Twitter accounts on social media, that’s the work of kids, cowards, couch potatoes and perverts like Carlos Danger. What on Earth does a United States senator do calling himself

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Feminists Push DNC To Cancel MSNBC Presidential Debate Due To NBC’s ‘Toxic Culture’ Against Women

NBC and MSNBC have a huge problem with a very toxic sexual culture in the workplace that has seen many NBC employees removed in disgrace, and now femenists are demanding that the Democrats cancel their next Presidential Debate scheduled to be moderated by the fake news hacks at MSNBC.

Feminists Push DNC To Cancel MSNBC Presidential Debate Due To NBC's 'Toxic Culture' Against Women

Feminists Push DNC To Cancel MSNBC Presidential Debate Due To NBC’s ‘Toxic Culture’ Against Women

“The DNC needs to make it clear that they support survivors of sexual abuse and cancel the upcoming 2020 Democratic presidential primary debate on MSNBC until Comcast and NBC News take clear steps to clean up the toxic culture that exists across their networks” – UltraViolet Action feminist advocacy group

We agree that the Democrats should cancel their MSNBC debate because NBC/MSNBC have no credibility or trustworthiness. People running NBC and MSNBC have tried their best to coverup the sex crimes of their employees, but the stories came out anyway, and America is pissed off!

Personally, I don’t care if NBC is involved with the Democrat debates, because they’re all a bunch of corrupt fucking Socialist …

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Shitty Open Borders War-Hawk President George W. Bush Criticizes President Trump’s No War Stance

I used to view George W. Bush as a good US President, who did what he could to keep America safe, but now I see that this was complete bullshit. George W. Bush was stupid and weak, and his latest attacks against President Trump just shows how dumb Bush really is.

Shitty Open Borders War-Hawk President George W. Bush Criticizes President Trump's No War Stance

Shitty Open Borders War-Hawk President George W. Bush Criticizes President Trump’s No War Stance

George W. Bush’s legacy will be viewed as one of failure and death of Americans, and now we are learning that George Bush is a fake conservative who is actually upset that he didn’t pass amnesty for all of the 40-50 million illegal immigrant criminals living illegally inside our country.

“I think the president avoided a disaster and that if 50 soldiers had been killed, could you have imagined the response that could have been unleashed by the United States? And it would have been a conflagration that I think nobody would really desire.” – Sen. Rand Paul

I’m sorry now that I ever stuck up for President Bush back when he was President, and …

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Corrupt Racist TDS Inflicted Democrat Elijah Cummings Dead at 68 Yrs of Age

The Democrat’s all-out effort to slime, impeach and destroy President Trump seems to be taking a negative toll on Democrats, as Elijah Cummings, one of the main corrupt Democrats helping Pencil Dick Adam Schiff try and impeach President Trump using Democrat lies, has died unexpectedly at the age of 68.

Corrupt Racist TDS Inflicted Democrat Elijah Cummings Dead at 68 Yrs of Age

Corrupt Racist TDS Inflicted Democrat Elijah Cummings Dead at 68 Yrs of Age

There is a lot of evidence that corrupt Democrat Elijah Cummings and his wife, Maya Rockeymoore, used a charity they ran (Center for Global Policy Solutions) as their own personal piggybank, and took many $ millions from people and groups that had business before Elijah Cummings’s committee.

Statement from Cummings’ office regarding Cumming’s death:

As chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Mr Cummings instigated several investigations into the Trump administration.

Earlier this year, he clashed with the president over the controversial detention of immigrants.

During the exchange, President Trump called Mr Cumming’s majority-black Baltimore district a “disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess”, prompting criticism from several leading Democrats.

The congressman had several health problems in recent years, and

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Worthless Queer Fake Conservative Pussy Lindsey Graham Attacks President Trump – Ignores Democrat Criminals

Lindsey Graham is a completely worthless fake conservative pussy, who is too weak and stupid to do anything to hold Democrat criminals accountable for their crimes, but apparently feels emboldened by the leftist fake news liars to attack President Trump for doing his job.

Worthless Fake Conservative Pussy Lindsey Graham Attacks President Trump - Ignores Democrat Criminals

IF Lindsey Graham was actually doing his job, and handing out subpoenas to Democrat criminals, that would be one thing, and I might have a little more patience with him, but Lindsey Graham isn’t doing shit to help stop the Democrat’s out-of-control treasonous coup attempts, so who the fuck needs the worthless hack?

Closet queer Lindsey Graham needs to go! We need to find the right conservative to run against Lindsey Graham, and vote that stupid libtard out on his ass.

Sen. Lindsey Graham said he won’t remain silent about his opposition to President Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops who were stationed along the Syrian border with America’s Kurdish allies.

“With all due respect to the president, I’m elected to have a say in our national security, that in my view what is unfolding in

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Joe Biden Has Been Lying For Decades About Car Accident that Killed X Wife – Accident Was Her Fault & Truck Driver Was Sober

Joe Biden is the biggest scumbag on the face of the Earth, who has been lying through his teeth every time he told the story about how his x-wife and daughter (Neilia & Naomi) died in a 1972 car accident.

Joe Biden Has Been Lying For Decades About Car Accident that Killed X Wife - Accident Was Her Fault & Truck Driver Was Sober

Joe Biden Has Been Lying For Decades About Car Accident that Killed X Wife – Accident Was Her Fault & Truck Driver Was Sober

Biden has told the story countless times how a drunk truck driver named Curtis C. Dunn hit his wife’s car and killed her, but the truth is that Joe Biden’s stories are complete bullshit. The truck driver was sober and the accident was Neilia Biden’s fault – something that haunted Dunn for the rest of his life.

“A tractor-trailer, a guy who allegedly — and I never pursued it — drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch, broadsided my family and killed my wife instantly and killed my daughter instantly and hospitalized my two sons” – Senile Democrat Liar Joe Biden

What kind of disgusting piece of trash would lie about a car accident that …

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Scumbag Democrat Richard ‘Stolen Valor’ Blumenthal Plans Bill to Protect Fake ‘Journalists’

HAHAHA!! Dumbfuck beta male pussy Democrat, Richard ‘Stolen Valor’ Blumenthal, who lies about his military service to claim that he fought in Vietnam, which he definitely did not, now wants to protect the Democrat’s lying fake news media arm from the American People.

Scumbag Democrat Richard 'Stolen Valor' Blumenthal Plans Bill to Protect Fake 'Journalists'

Scumbag Democrat Richard ‘Stolen Valor’ Blumenthal Plans Bill to Protect Fake ‘Journalists’

Richard ‘Stolen Valor’ Blumenthal knows that the anti-American fake news liars are truly an “Enemy of the American People”, and he wants them to be able to continue spreading their Democrat-approved lies without threat of being held accountable.

“What we have to address is the continuing threat of physical violence, whether by guns or other means, against the press that may intimidate them in their vital newsgathering operation. It is a priority for me to protect newsgathering operations no matter what their form and the act that we’re proposing would in fact establish a federal crime when someone threatens or attacks anyone doing fact-gathering or news operations” – Democrat Pussy Richard Blumenthal

Honestly, why is piece of shit Richard ‘Stolen Valor’ Blumenthal even still in …

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