San Fransicko Losing a LOT of Business & Money Due to Shit/ Piss Filled Streets & Drug-Needle-Strewn Sidewalks

I guess the people putting together the annual OpenWorld technology conference in San Fransisco don’t want their attendees literally stepping in big piles of infested used drug needles, garbage and human shit, so they went ahead and moved the huge annual tech conference to Las Vegas for at least the next 3 years.

“‘if you do get stuck with these disposed needles you can get HIV, hepatitis C, hepatitis B..’ Dr. Lee Riley is an infectious disease expert at UC Berkeley. ‘the fecal matter could possibly get in to fair, and if you happen to inhale that it can also go into your intestine, which can be deadly, especially for children.’ Dr. Riley has researched some of the dirtiest slums in the world, but believes contamination levels in parts of San Francisco may now be even worse and higher than what we see in places like Brazil or Kenya or India.”

That is at least $192 million in revenue that San Fransicko has lost over the next 3 years, after losing just one conference, due to the stupid radical leftist …

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Horowitz Was Threatened And / Or Paid Off To Give FBI a Pass On Treasonous FISA Crimes

Inspector general Horowitz released his overall very damning report on the democrat / FBI FISA crimes used to start the democrat’s 3+ year treasonous coup attempts against President Trump. The corrupt media and democrats are trying to spin the hell out of the one thing in the report that looks remotely good for the democrats.

Horowitz Was Threatened And / Or Paid Off To Give FBI a Pass On Treasonous FISA Crimes

It’s completely unbelievable and absurd that anyone with half a brain would believe that there was no political bias in the criminal actions of the DNC/FBI/CIA/DOJ, and anyone who believes that is either brain-dead, or they watch CNN & MSNBC – in which case they are brain-dead anyway.

It’s funny though that Horowitz’s whole report is packed with problems knowingly caused by the democrats and FBI, but then adds that it wasn’t politically motivated? That’s bullshit!

The Horowitz report reminds me of criminal James Comey going through all of Hillary Clinton’s crimes, and then saying they weren’t going to charge her.

It seems that Horowitz must have been …

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Total Stud Owen Shroyer Interrupts Treasonous Sham ‘Impeachment’ To Tell Jerry Nadler That HE’S The Criminal

HAHAHAHA!!! This is fucking awesome! Total fucking stud Owen Shroyer interrupted the democrat’s treasonous fake sham ‘impeachment’ hearing to rip treasonous fatass democrat loser Jerry Nadler a new asshole.

Jerry Nadler and the democrat party are committing treason against this country – We know who committed the crimes and it wasn’t Trump!

“Jerry Nadler and the democrat party are committing treason against this country. And you can kick me out, but (pointing at Jerry Nadler) he’s the one committing crimes. You are Jerry Nadler. You’re the one committing treason. America is done with this. America is sick of the treason committed by the democrat party. We’re not going to sit here and watch you run an impeachment and remove our votes. We voted for Donald Trump and they’re simply removing him because they don’t like him. America is sick of your impeachment (inaudable) they’re sick of the democrat treason. We know who committed the crimes and it wasn’t Trump! Trump is innocent.”

More conservatives need to grow some larger balls and be out there doing more this kind

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Partisan Democrat ‘Professors’ Losers Don’t Know Shit Except Talking Points of Treasonous Democrat Coup Criminals

HAHAHA!! The democrat’s treasonous coup attempt against President Trump got even more funny and weird as the democrats brought in 3 leftist partisan hack democrats to act like a bunch of fucking parrots, to repeat treasonous democrat talking points.

Partisan Democrat ‘Professors’ Losers Don’t Know Shit Except Talking Points of Democrat Coup Criminals

It was very easy to see that these leftists, Pamela Karlan, Noah Feldman and Michael Gerhardt are just more shitty partisan TDS inflicted liars, who were probably paid off by the democrats to offer their obviously false testimony.

Noah Feldman looks like a gay coke addict. Pamela Karlan is a stupid & angry Trump hater, Michael Gerhardt is a total loser. Democrat Jonathan Turley was the only person on the democrat’s 4-person sham impeachment panel who had any fucking clue about the law or reality.

“You can’t accuse a president of bribery and then when some of us note that the Supreme Court has rejected your type of boundless interpretation say, ‘Well, it’s just impeachment. We really don’t have to prove the elements’. If you are going

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Corrupt Bat-Shit-Crazy Skank Nancy Pelosi SNAPS BIG TIME – Loses It on Reporter For Asking Simple Question

WOW!! Crazy corrupt democrat Nancy Pelosi SNAPS BIG TIME and attacks a reporter for asking a very poignant question of “Do you hate the President?”

It’s painfully obvious that Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the treasonous democrat criminals actually DO hate President Trump for becoming President – and because democrats can’t beat Trump at anything – and everything the democrats try blows up spectacularly in their faces.

I guess running a treasonous failed 3+ year coup attempt against the President of the United States can really make you more bat-shit-crazy than normal!

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Creeptastic Democrat Andrew Yang Tries Showing Up Joe Biden With Ultra-Creepy Whipped Cream Stunt

EEEWWWW!! ANDREW YANG IS CREEPY FOR SURE! Creepy democrat 2020 Presidential candidate Andrew Yang seems to be trying to prove that he is just as cringe-worthy as Creepy Joe Biden, as he actually sprayed whipped cream into a supporter’s mouth while kneeling before him.

Watch Yang’s campaign manager try to stop him from continuing to shoot whipped cream into the mouths of his crazy supporters- It’s creepy and funny at the same time.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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‘Let’s Get Creepy’ – Joe Biden Reveals His New Campaign Bus & Slogan

Creepy grandpa Joe Biden breaks out the new campaign bus & slogan – “Let’s Get Creepy!”

‘Let’s Get Creepy’ – Joe Biden Reveals His New Campaign Bus

“And by the way I sit on a stand, I got hot, I got hairy legs that turn, that, that, that, turn blond in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in and pull and rub my legs, and watch the hairs rise up again. So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping up on my lap. And I love kids jumping on my lap.” – Creepy Grandpa Joe Biden

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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America-Hating Democrat Ilhan Omar Accused of Being Foreign Agent & Stealing Sensitive Info For Iran

WE TOLD YOU!!!! In more posts than just one, we alerted the American People about the corrupt America-hating Democrat Ilhan Omar – and now people are saying that America-hating democrat Omar is actually an agent of Iran.

We alerted you to the very credible accusations, backed up by facts, that corrupt democrat congresswoman Ilhan Omar married her brother to commit immigration and tax fraud against the American People.

We also told you how Israel has banned corrupt Jew hating democrat congresswoman Ilhan Omar and other Jew-haters from even entering Israel.

Then we have reports that corrupt democrat congresswoman Ilhan Omar allegedly illegally paid for her extra marital affairs using campaign funds.

Now we’re hearing, and are not surprised at all, that corrupt America-hating democrat congresswoman Ilhan Omar might be a secret agent of Iran, who might be accessing and stealing sensitive US info to help the Iranians.

There needs to be a FULL investigation into the crimes of corrupt democrat congresswoman Ilhan Omar, and Omar needs to be removed from Congress and sent to prison if even 1/10th of …

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