Brainless Skank Charlize Theron Comes Out As Just Another Trump Hater – Actors Are Fucking Stupid!!

Actors are soooo fucking stupid! It makes sense that actors aren’t very smart, because they spend their lives reading words that other people wrote for them, and most actors take that many steps further, where the drugged-up losers need/expect other people to think for them as well.

“I used to like looking at her body – Now all I see is her shriveled up soul.”

I was just telling a friend a couple weeks ago that I hope actors stop getting political, because once I know that an actor is a stupid radical leftist, I will never again watch anything that they act in, and I specifically said “actors like Charlize Theron”…

Well, Charlize Theron just shot that straight to hell, and now I will no longer spend a fucking penny on anything that Charlize Theron is in.

As far as I’m concerned, anyone who is a friend of stupid disgusting whore Chelsea Handler is an equally disgusting and worthless human being!

Actress Charlize Theron says she loves her Republican friends because they are Never Trumpers who take issue with

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Corrupt Hunter Biden Stole A LOT More Money That Though – Now Hiding Ill-Received Money in Court Case

So, we’ve been reading how Joe Biden abused his position as Vice President of the United States to get his son Hunter inserted into some very corrupt money-making schemes, and how Hunter received $50K – $90K per month from corrupt foreign companies.

Corrupt Hunter Biden Stole A LOT More Money That Though – Now Hiding Ill-Received Money in Court Case

But now we’re thinking that there must be a LOT more stolen money in the pockets of the Biden’s, which the Biden’s want to continue covering up, so Hunter is refusing to answer questions about the money he and his family & partners received in crooked deals with Ukraine and China and other countries.

I have a feeling that Lunden Roberts is about to be a very rich lady, once all of Joe & Hunter Biden’s dirty money is revealed.

Oh yea.. and… Jeffrey Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself – The Democrats killed him to keep him quiet.

The mother of Hunter Biden’s child says the son of former vice president and Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden is refusing to answer

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Watch Stud Sen. Mitch McConnell Rip Democrat’s Shampeachment Apart In Senate Floor Speech

Democrats got what they wanted on the 7th time they introduced so-called “articles of impeachment”, but it won’t matter one fucking bit! In fact the democrat’s treasonous actions will end up completely destroying the DNS – and that’s fucking perfect with me!

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Crazy Pelosi & Treasonous Democrat’s Article-Withholding Stunt Won’t Stop Senate From Holding ‘Impeachment’ Trial

HAHA!! So, I guess it doesn’t matter if stupid skank Nancy Pelosi and the democrat criminals deliver their so-called “articles of impeachment” – the result will be the same.

Crazy Pelosi & Treasonous Democrat’s Article-Withholding Stunt Won’t Stop Senate From Holding ‘Impeachment’ Trial

No matter what stupid stunts Crazy Nancy Pelosi and the radical treasonous democrats try to pull with their sham fake “impeachment”, it won’t matter to the Senate – and the Republican-controlled Senate can still hold the ‘impeachment’ trial, even without Pelosi delivering the articles of impeachment.

“The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”

Democrats have been trying to impeach President Trump since only hours after his inauguration, and they finally got their wish, but as it usually does, the pendulum has started to swing back the other, way with just as much force, and will end up taking out most of the treasonous democrat criminals – mark my words!

Mark it up as one more hilarious failure for the treasonous TDS inflicted Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, AOC, Omar, Talib and the hapless democrat criminals.

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Godless Washington Post Fake News Hacks Celebrate ‘Impeachmas’ After Treasonous Democrat Sham ‘Impeachment’

Godless Washington Post Fake News Hacks Celebrate ‘Impeachmas’ After Treasonous Democrat Sham ‘Impeachment’

Godless Washington Post Fake News Hacks Celebrate ‘Impeachmas’ After Treasonous Democrat Sham ‘Impeachment’

The fact that the Washington Post is just a rabid conservative & Trump hating fake news outlet is no shock – everyone knew that – but to have the Godless WaPo fake news hacks actually replace GOD with their treasonous sham “impeachment” is disgusting! Eve other employees of the company are pissed off.

“What the hell were you thinking when you tweeted this? Some of us still care about ethics and unbiased reporting, and this garbage makes it harder for all of us by reinforcing a stereotype. Come on guys”

It was soooo fucking disgusting and wrong that the Washington Post hacks actually deleted the tweet, and then started lying about the meaning, saying that they were just happy to get back to their other fake news and lies.

President Trump is not very upset that he is being impeached by the treasonous democrat criminals – sure he would prefer to have a normal

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Crazy Nancy Pelosi & Treasonous Dems May Not Deliver Articles of Shampeachment to Senate

Crazy Nancy Pelosi & Treasonous Dems May Not Deliver Articles of Shampeachment to Senate

So… Nancy Pelosi and the treasonous democrat criminals may not even deliver the impeachment over to the Senate… Um.. OK?

I say, if pathetic wench Nancy Pelosi, Little Pencil Dick and the rest of the treasonous democrats decide to just hold onto the so-called “articles of impeachment”, instead of delivering them to the Senate, I say “GOOD”! That only helps expose their sham impeachment, and makes the democrats look even more fucking stupid.

Mitch McConnell and the Republicans should NOT back down, and give ANY FUCKING THING to the democrats. If they don’t want to finish it, then fuck em!

The fact that democrats wouldn’t even send the impeachment articles to the Senate proves that this whole thing is just another big stinking pile of shit caused by Nancy Policy – much like shit, piss & drug needle covered streets in her district.

This so-called “impeachment” was a sham and a lie from the beginning – just an extension of the never-ending coverup of the many …

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The next democrat elected President of the United States will be “IOA” – Impeached On Arrival, and there isn’t much that the democrats can do to stop it.


Republicans have started to grow some balls, and have started to not only stand up to the treasonous democrat criminal liars, but now we’re even starting to go on the offensive, which is a beautiful thing to see – FINALLY!

One thing that is a definite is that the next democrat to be elected President WILL BE IMPEACHED! We will find something to impeach the fucker – just as the treasonous democrats have done to President Donald J. Trump.

As the Democrat-controlled House prepares to impeach President Trump for, well, basically nothing, Republicans are already looking toward the future, and promising that the next president from the Democrat Party will face the same fate as Trump, thanks to the partisan standards Democrats have set.

“I’m really saddened for my country. I’m really concerned that the irreparable damage that


Congratulations Jeff Van Drew On Leaving The Treasonous Democrat Party of Criminals – Welcome Home!

Welcome to the winning MAGA hometeam Jeff Van Drew! You will not regret leaving the treasonous democrat party of criminals and joining President Trump and the conservatives to fight against the crime of the democrat miscreants.

Congratulations Jeff Van Drew On Leaving The Treasonous Democrat Party of Criminals – Welcome Home!

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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