Listen to this.. I’m sitting at my desk, and a woman that works with me walked into the office with her daughter close behind her. It’s definitely not summertime for school kids, so I asked her.. “No school today? Are there parent teacher conferences or something?”

Obamacare Is LITERALLY Making Our Kids Stupid & ILLITERATE – Students Forced Days Off to Prevent Obamacare Threshold for Teachers
She replied, “No, this is one of the days that the teachers are forced to take the day off, because if they go over a certain number of hours then the school district has to offer healthcare coverage, so they cut back on the hours to keep that from happening.”
This is EXACTLY what we, and many others, said would happen if Obamacare was rammed through and adopted, as it was. We all said that businesses will cut back on the hours of employees in order to not be required to offer the unstable and insecure Obamacare health insurance for the people they employ. And this is EXACTLY what is currently happening.
So, you can say that I am not surprised AT ALL to learn that businesses are cutting back on hours to prevent going over the Obamacare coverage threshold, but I am completely fucking outraged that these schools are forced to choose between giving our children a good education, or paying the skyrocketing costs of Obamacare for their teachers.
Obamacare is not only hurting the teachers and everyday US citizen, but is also badly scarring uneducated and illiterate children for the rest of their lives, because every day these kids are out of class, the farther they will fall behind in their education.
To all of these kids who Obama and the Democrats fucked, you may be angry when you get out of school and realize that you can’t get a job because you don’t have the education that you needed. We only have Obama and the rest of the libtard Democrats to blame for forcing schools to make the choice between educating our kids and saving themselves from the crushing costs of Obamacare – completely screwing our kids in the process.
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