The White House is letting everyone know that Obama will be cutting his latest vacation a tiny bit short so that he can go sit in the Situation Room, and have his picture taken.
It’s true! The only reason why Obama EVER steps foot in the Situation Room is because there are cameras around, and for Obama there is almost nothing better than a photo-op in the Situation Room, making Obama look like a real president.
Watch and see. The photos will come out soon after the meeting in the Situation Room, and the corrupt jackasses in the liberal scum media will try and treat it like news.
Obama will sit, with his hands folded, looking like he is listening intently to his advisers. In reality though, he couldn’t care less about national security or what his advisers have to say. He just can’t want to get the hell out of the Situation Room and onto the golf course, where most of Obama’s real work is done.
After news broke this morning of Russia furthering its invasion of Ukraine, the White House announced that President Obama will meet with the National Security Council later this afternoon in the Situation Room:
Later in the afternoon, the President will meet with members of the National Security Council in the Situation Room. The Vice President will participate remotely via a secure line. This meeting is closed press.
4:00PM THE PRESIDENT meets with members of the National Security Council; the VICE PRESIDENT will also participate
The Situation Room
Closed Press
The White House did not specifically say that the Russia-Ukraine crisis is on the agenda. It’s possible the meeting could be about the ongoing crisis with the terrorist army ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
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