Nutless Wussy Democrat Martin O’Malley Apologizes to Racist Black Mob For Saying “ALL LIVES MATTER”

WOW! Democrat presidential candidate Martin O’Malley is a total fucking nutless pussy, isn’t he?

What kind of gutless and spineless loser couldn’t stick to the obviously 100% correct statement that “All Lives Matter”, and instead is forced into apologizing to the black racist mob, who only thinks that black lives matter?

What is wrong with this statement?
“Black lives matter, White lives matter, All lives matter”

A level-headed non-racist who knew the facts would say no, but a racist piece of shit libtard would say that the statement is racist, because all lives don’t matter, and it is only black lives that matter.

Sorry, but I have to call BULLSHIT on that one, and on the term “Black lives matter” as a whole.

If black lives actually mattered to the black community, as much as the empty “Black lives matter” statement would make you believe, then the black community would do something about the out-of-control black on black violence, which claims FAR more lives in one day than Police incidents take in a full year.

There were 10 black people killed, and 55 wounded in Fourth of July black on black violence, and just this past weekend alone in Chicago, at least 10 people were killed or found dead, and 34 other people were shot and wounded, including a black mother and her three young children. Why don’t the lives of these dead and injured people matter the way the racist mob says it matters when they are killed by police, while resisting arrest, or in the midst of committing a crime?

Why have there been no outrage over the rash of black on black murders that have exploded in cities like Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore?

The truth is that black lives don’t matter even one teeny tiny bit more than white lives, or any other lives for that matter. An Asian life is just as important as a black life, and O’Malley saying so initially made him look strong, but then the pussy libtard in O’Malley shined right through.

The United States doesn’t need another nutless liberal tool in the White House. We’ve already had almost two full terms of the biggest pussy president in American History, and the world is currently on fire because Obama is a weak ass druggie punk terrorist sympathizer, who has no nuts.

Also, watch the piece of crap illegal immigrant host keep pulling out his phone and either video recording or taking pictures of the rude ass crowd. What a total putz, who should be deported.

Democratic presidential candidate and former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley was booed for saying “all lives matter” at the Netroots Nation conference on Saturday and later apologized for those comments.

During his town hall discussion, [relevant portion begins around 19:30] protesters stood up and began singing “What side are you on?” While the protesters were singing, moderator Jose Antonio Vargas let an activist onstage to ask O’Malley a question. The then activist made a long statement, before people in the crowd read off the names of black women who died in police custody and did multiple “If I die in police custody” chants and “Black lives matter” chants.

At 36:25 into the video, O’Malley was finally able to answer a question about what he would do about police misconduct. After O’Malley said, [relevant remarks around 39:20] “Every life matters. And that is why this issue is so important. Black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter,” the crowd booed and shouted at him.

Later, when O’Malley was on “This Week in Blackness,” [relevant remarks begin about 41 minutes into the current video], he apologized. O’Malley stated that he “meant no disrespect” and characterized his remarks as a “mistake.”

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