While Rand Paul was torturing himself, by speaking for 12 hours, to stand up for yours and my rights, Mr. Graham and Mr. McCain sat down for at a fancy, Democrat-style (high on wasteful spending), private dinner with Obama,
Afterwards, the two biggest pussy losers in the Republican Party felt the need to attack Mr. Paul for the Filibuster, which mainly dealt with the fact that the Obama administration feels it is within their rights to kill Americans, on US Soil, with Drone strikes, with little or no proof of wrongdoing.
Imagine This – You’re sitting at the dinner table having diner with your family. Secretly, Obama has sent an armed drone over your house and shoots a missile through your roof, killing you, and your whole family, and some of your neighbors.
Republicans have been up in arms over the new powers Obama has given himself, but now, after dining with Obama, no-nuts Graham even says that Obama doesn’t need to answer the question about using drones in the United States to kill Americans. Mr. Graham even went so far as to say that even questioning whether Obama has the power to kill Americans here at home is ludicrous.
Did Obama blow Graham or something, or is Graham just that much of a weasel pussy?
McCain said that Rand Paul should “Calm Down”. This, coming from the jackass loser, who barely had enough of a pulse to be a challenge to Obama in 2009.
I think that Graham and McCain are just gutless dumb-ass pussies, who have badly damaged the Republican Party and Conservatism in general, and don’t want to see the torch passed to the new breed of conservatives, who will rescue the brand from the path of destruction its currently on.
Sen. Rand Paul’s filibuster didn’t thrill all of his colleagues.
Almost exactly 24 hours after Mr. Paul began his information-seeking filibuster against John O. Brennan, Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham took to the Senate floor to denounce his demands and say he was doing a “disservice” to the debate on drones.
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“The country needs more senators who care about liberty, but if Mr. Paul wants to be taken seriously he needs to do more than pull political stunts that fire up impressionable libertarian kids in their college dorms. He needs to know what he’s talking about,” said Mr. McCain, Republicans’ presidential nominee in 2008 — who topped Mr. Paul’s father, former Rep. Ron Paul, in that year’s primary.
And where Democrats praised Mr. Paul for using Senate rules properly to launch a filibuster, Mr. McCain said it was an abuse of rules that could hurt the GOP in the long run.
“What we saw yesterday is going to give ammunition to those who say the rules of the Senate are being abused,” the Arizona Republican said.
Mr. Paul said he was filibustering to get the administration to affirm it won’t kill non-combatant Americans in the U.S. — and his effort was joined by more than a dozen other senators who said they, too, supported his effort to get answers.
Mr. Graham said asking whether the president has the power to kill Americans here at home is a ludicrous question.
“I do not believe that question deserves an answer,” Mr. Graham said.
Mr. Graham and Mr. McCain led a Republican delegation that held a private dinner with President Obama on Wednesday, as Mr. Paul was holding the floor with help from other GOP colleagues.
Mr. McCain even joked about Mr. Graham’s “behavior” at the dinner.
“He was on his best manners and everyone was impressed,” Mr. McCain said.
Speaking to reporters after he came off the floor Wednesday, Mr. Graham said he defends Mr. Paul’s right to ask questions and seek answers, but said the filibuster has actually pushed him to now support Mr. Brennan.
Mr. Graham said he had been inclined to oppose the nomination because he’d found Brennan to be qualified for the job but also “arrogant, kind of a bit shifty.” He said he wasn’t going to filibuster him but would have voted against him on final passage, but now he’ll vote for him.
“I am going to vote for Brennan now because it’s become a referendum on the drone program,” he said.
Mr. Graham, a South Carolina Republican who is up for re-election next year and could face a primary challenge in the deeply conservative state, also fired back against anyone who would question his decision to meet with Mr. Obama.
“If I can’t go have dinner with the president of the United States to talk about the problems that face our nation, I shouldn’t be running,” Mr. Graham said. “If you want to elect me and for me to promise you I’ll never talk to any Democrats or to the president about solving our problems, you’re voting for the wrong guy.”
Graham and McCain need to be removed!
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