Nutless Fake Conservative Anti-Trump Pussy John McCain Is Just Stupid Butthurt Sore Loser

John McCain needs to retire very soon, or he will soon be run out of office in disgrace – or at least in worse disgrace than he is already in.

Nutless Fake Conservative Anti-Trump Pussy John McCain Is Just Stupid Butthurt Sore Loser

Nutless Fake Conservative Anti-Trump Pussy John McCain Is Just Stupid Butthurt Sore Loser

Conservatives don’t need fake Republican pussy John McCain working against them at every possible opportunity, as a way to get revenge for getting his ass handed to him – not only by President Donald Trump, but also by Obama – who is by far the worst “president” ever in the history of America.

I guess it probably does hurt a bit to become such a complete and total fucking joke, as McCain has become in conservative circles – and with his attacks on his own party I’m sure McCain’s stock has risen among the brainless liberal losers in America.

McCain should just stop pretending to be a conservative and join the Democrats officially. He already is helping the Democrats, so he might as well make it official by changing his party affiliation.

Either way, John McCain’s time in the senate is pretty much over, and he knows it, which is why McCain is trying to create an adversary role for himself as a Democrat or somewhere in the corrupt libtard “fake news” media.

Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) ripped fellow Republican Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) on Sunday after McCain criticized President Trump’s escalating war of words with the media.

He argued that the nation is “very lucky” that Trump is president and not McCain, who won the 2008 GOP nomination but lost to Barack Obama in the general election.

Paul said that McCain’s recent criticisms of Trump are driven by his “personal dispute” with the president over foreign policy.

He added that McCain and Trump are at odds because McCain supports the wide deployment of U.S. troops to protect and promote American interests abroad while he characterized Trump’s views as closer to a realpolitik approach to foreign policy.
“Everything that he says about the president is colored by his own personal dispute he’s got running with President Trump, and it should be taken with a grain of salt, because John McCain’s the guy who’s advocated for war everywhere,” Paul said on ABC’s “This Week.”

“He would bankrupt the nation. We’re very lucky John McCain’s not in charge, because I think we’d be in perpetual war,” Paul added.

McCain in an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” warned that the suppression of a free press can lead to a dictatorial regime. He made the comments after Trump tweeted on Friday that the media is “the enemy of the American people.”

McCain has also harshly criticized Trump’s expressed respect for Russian President Vladimir Putin and his suggestion earlier this month that the United States does not have the moral authority to criticize Russia’s human rights record.

Paul said there has no effort by the Trump administration to suppress the media, noting that no legislation has been offered to curb press freedoms.

Paul argued that McCain has a history of being wrong major foreign policy questions.

“I would say John McCain’s been wrong on just about everything over the last four decades. He advocated for the Iraq War, which I think destabilized the Middle East,” he said.

“If you look at the map, there’s probably at least six different countries where John McCain has advocated for us having boots on the ground,” he added.

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