NFL’s Green Bay Packers Supports Planned Parenthood Baby Murderers – Fans Revolt – Team Makes Excuses
The NFL’s Green Bay Packers have been busted for donating to Planned Parenthood Baby Murderers, and now the team has started making excuses for supporting such a disgusting baby-killing organization after their fans have started revolting against the NFL team.
The Packers tried explaining away their support for a company that makes it’s money by snuffing out the lives of millions of innocent babies, by saying their support for Planned Parenthood Baby Murderers is really just an “innovative Spanish-language education program that empowers people to take charge of their health”.
Um… OK, keep telling yourselves that… You may end up believing your own lies, but the vast majority of Americans are calling “BULLSHIT”on the Green Bay Packers.
“If the foundation truly wanted to promote families and ensure the safety of children, they would not be financially investing in an organization that violently destroys children’s lives each and every day. Any perceived benefit Planned Parenthood provides to society is wiped out every time they kill a baby, which in their case is 4,639 times a year in Wisconsin alone. In just one day, they wipe out the approximate equivalent of an entire football team.”
Planned Parenthood is a disgusting and evil baby murder house of horror that should be permanently shut down, and baby murderers sent to prison.
The foundation of the Green Bay Packers NFL football team is under fire for making a donation to the Planned Parenthood abortion business — as fans nationwide complain about its ties with a company that kills babies.
Now the team is doubling down on its donating and defending it by saying the gift is meant to support the few things Planned Parenthood does that don’t involve ending the lives of babies before birth.
As LifeNews.com reported, on Wednesday December 4, 2019 the Green Bay Packers Foundation (GBPF) released their annual grant fund recipients. Among the 192 grantees was #112, Planned Parenthood Of Wisconsin Inc, Milwaukee.
The Green Bay Packers Foundation was founded in 1986 by Judge Robert J. Parins with a mission to “support charities possessing one or more of the following goals: perpetuates a community environment that promotes families and the competitive value of athletics; contributes to player and fan welfare; ensures the safety and education of children; and/or prevents cruelty to animals.” A donation to America’s biggest abortion business is the opposite of promoting families since it involves killing children.
A representative of the Packers defended the Planned Parenthood donation saying it’s morally acceptable because the donation is not meant to kill future Packers fans or players in abortions.
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