Newest Democrat Presidential Candidate Loser Deval Patrick Cancels Campaign Even After 2 People Show Up

So, Democrats think that Deval Patrick, the 38th democrat to jump into the presidential race, is the answer to President Trump, eh?? Not Likely!! Deval Patrick had to cancel a campaign event at the mostly black Morehouse College, because only 2 people showed up to hear Deval Patrick speak.

When only 2 people show up to hear a presidential candidate speak, that’s pretty fucking sad, and you know that campaign is living on borrowed time, swirling the toilet bowl, and about to go under.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick canceled a campaign event on Wednesday after it was clear there was no crowd there to meet him.
ABC News reporter Cheyenne Haslett shared a photo of only two people in the room for an event at Morehouse College that Patrick suddenly canceled:

CNN’s Annie Grayer reported that the event organizers asked two students passing in the hallway to attend the event, which was empty, and that Patrick even arrived at the college before canceling:

Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick just canceled his event at Morehouse College in Atlanta when he arrived and was told only two people were in the audience.

Student organizers of the event told ABC News that the campaign informed them the governor was late from a previous event and had to make a flight.

The event was scheduled for Wednesday, the same night as the fifth Democrat debate hosted on NBC News.

Patrick announced his decision to run for president on November 14, filing for the New Hampshire primary ballot in November.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick just canceled his event at Morehouse College in Atlanta when he arrived and was told only two people were in the audience.

Julian Hemmings, president and founder of New Deal Democrats at Morehouse College who organized the event, told CNN that Patrick, who announced last week he is seeking the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, was invited to come to Morehouse yesterday, so this event tonight was planned on very short notice.

Patrick is in Atlanta, where tonight’s Democratic debate is being held. Patrick will not be on the stage tonight because he announced his candidacy after the qualification deadline.

Up until five minutes before the event, no one was in the audience. Then, two female students entered, who told CNN that organizers of the event asked them to attend as they were passing by in the hallway.

According to Hemmings, when Patrick arrived earlier this evening and was told only two people were in the audience, he decided to cancel the event.

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