New York Times Bans Reporters From Appearing On Worst of ‘Reckless Opinion-Mongerin’ Fake News Networks, CNN, MSNBC

WOW! The New York Times executive editor has banned their reporters from going on shows hosted at America’s worst Fake News Networks, like CNN and MSNBC, and are being specifically told to stay away from Fake News Shows like “The Rachel Maddow Show“, “The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell” andCNN Tonight with Don Lemon”.

New York Times reporters should “avoid strident, theatrical forums that emphasize punditry and reckless opinion-mongering.” – NYT Newsroom Ethics Handbook

The New York Times is definitely NOT a conservative news organization, and often times is just another node of the Democrat’s Fake News Media Arm, but it seems that the executive editor of the NYT has started waking up to realize that they have pretty much destroyed their news organization by pushing fake news, and supporting others who do the same – but the NYT may now be trying to climb their way out of the cesspool of leftist liars in the media.

This is REALLY BAD NEWS for the Democrats and their Fake News Liars in the media.

Now that the New York Times has started swearing off the Democrat Fake News TV Networks, maybe it’s a signal that the NYT going to stop acting as the Democrats’ fluffer, and start playing their reporting down the middle, instead of biased to the far left as has been the case for many years.

CNN and MSNBC will probably need to start having reporters from Russia Today on their networks for interviews. After all, the corrupt douchbag liars at CNN and MSNBC have been working with the Russians to destabilize our nation for years, so they and the Russians are already good friends.

You want to hear something else funny? Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee. Have you heard what the New York Times executive editor has done? His name is Dean Baquet. He has banned — you ready for this? The executive editor of the New York Times has banned all of his reporters from appearing on MSNBC and CNN, specifically Lawrence O’Donnell and Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, and Don Lemon, the smartest man in TV, by the way, on CNN.

And do you know why? He says those programs are too opinionated, and he’s afraid that his reporters, if they appear on those programs, will be assumed to be as biased as the hosts of the programs are. Ha! Is this not great? I’m not making this up!

“The New York Times is said to be cracking down on its reporters appearing on cable news shows it considers to be ‘too partisan.’” Vanity Fair has the details. They published this report which alleged that PMSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell and Don Lemon at CNN have made the New York Times no-go list. No New York Times reporter can appear on those programs.

The magazine, Vanity Fair, began its story “by alleging the Times’ financial editor David Enrich had initially accepted an invitation to appear on The Rachel Maddow Show May 20 to discuss a report involving President Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner’s transactions with Deutsche Bank, but had to ultimately turn down the appearance after he informed the [New York Times] communications department.”

Essentially the PR department at the New York Times, “You’re not going on those shows. You’re not gonna talk about Trump and Jared and Deutsche Bank on those shows because those shows are too partisan and we don’t want people to think that our reporters are partisan.” (laughing) I’ll tell you, though, there is something fascinating about this.

“Sources told the magazine the Times’ executive editor Dean Baquet Baquet expressed concerns certain primetime shows are becoming more opinionated and that reporters who appear on their shows would be ‘perceived as being aligned’ with the show’s politics. ‘He thinks it’s a real issue,’ one source said, another adding “Their view is that, intentionally or not, it affiliates the Times reporter with a bias.”

Do you know what this means? It means a whole bunch of things. It means even at the New York Times they think these programs have long ago gone way overboard and don’t want to have anything to do with it. They want to be able to do their bias without having any questions about their credibility. They believe appearing on Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell and Don Lemon is gonna destroy the credibility of New York Times reporters.

Why would that be? Could it be that there’s no audience to speak of on Don Lemon’s show, and Rachel Maddow is bleeding audience, she has been losing audience since the turn of the year, and especially since the Mueller report came out.

What we’re learning here is that the people that watch MSNBC don’t really have any loyalty to the hosts there. What they had was a vampire’s blood lust for fake news, and the fake news was that Trump was guilty, that Trump colluded, Trump was gonna be hitting the highway.

Mueller was gonna come back, they were promised, MSNBC viewers were promised, they were assured every night multiple times for two years that Trump was toast, and Trump is not toast. So there’s no reason to watch anymore. You can’t get what you need from MSNB.

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