Wind power is a sham, which will probably never be good enough to make a real impact on global power needs, and a new Harvard study shows that these wind turbines actually create warming of the Earth by disrupting the natural movement of the wind patters.
Corrupt democrat fuckers claim to care about the earth, but their wind turbines have been proven to cause many other problems that the brainless democrats continue to ignore.
There is a lot of evidence that infrasound and subsonic vibrations from wind turbines are making people sick, and wind turbines also kill a huge numbers of birds everyday, including many American Eagles, which are killed on a very large scale by these ineffectual wind turbines.
The American People should stand up and DEMAND That the democrats stop destroying the Earth with their fake fixes for their nonexistent Man Made Global Warming.
A new Harvard study concludes that wind turbines cause regional warming by altering local wind patterns. This adds to the list of concerns that make wind power less attractive, both economically and environmentally.
For decades, wind turbines have been touted as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. However, since the 1980s, there have been reports of noise, nausea, and headaches by neighbors. The culprits are infrasound and subsonic vibrations that propagate through both land and air. The proposed solution was to place the turbines far from people, which increased costs.
Another problem is that the wind doesn’t blow all the time. A wind turbine is typically only able to produce 5% of its installed max power. This means that no power grid can ever be entirely wind- or solar-based, as coal plants with stable output and backup generators would still be needed.
Finally, the costs have been high. Wind turbines are built from steel and concrete; expensive resources that require much energy to mine, produce, and manufacture. Both in terms of energy and cost-efficiency, wind power has made little sense.
Causes Warming?
Two Harvard scientists, Lee Miller and David Keith, recently published an article in Joule in which they modeled the impact of increasing the U.S. installed wind power by a factor of 18, considering realistic commercial placement patterns. Their finding indicated slower winds and regional warming significantly beyond the area with wind turbines.
They also found that the climate impact was 10 times greater than with solar panels, which is a conclusion they argue should be used as background information for policymakers.
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