President Trump’s approval rating in the black population continues to rise as black Americans start seeing through the fake news lies, and feeling the many vast improvements in the black community because of President Trump’s pro-black policies.
In just one year, President Trump’s approval ratings with black people has raised from 15% to 29% today. That is a huge increase in the face of the constant fake news and toxic Trump Derangement Syndrome flowing through the veins of our corrupt “news organizations”.
An NAACP poll also shows President Trump’s support among black people has raised to 21%.
President Trump said right from day 1 that he was going to help the black community in America, and that is exactly what President Trump has done.
Unlike all other corrupt politicians who lie on the campaign trail, making promises that they know they will never keep in a million years.
President Trump has kept his campaign promises, and black people in America are FAR better off because of President Trump’s policies.
Black people are also starting to see through the Democrats shitty lie that somehow President Trump is a racist. When I hear a black person, or anyone else for that matter, say something about Trump being a racist, or not caring about black people, I am shocked. Do these fucking idiots see things for themselves, or do the mindless fools just take CNN’s fake news at face value?
In these situations, many times I will ask the brainless fools the following questions, for which they have absolutely no answer, other than parroting back some lies they heard on CNN or MSNBC.
“Specifically, what actions or policies has President Trump pushed that are bad for black people?”
“If President Trump was so anti-black, why has he made policy changes that have decreased black unemployment to the lowest lever ever, and raised black home ownership to the highest lever in the history of our nation?
Dumbfuck leftists will deny that the facts are true, and then they will say that it was actually Obama who created the improvements attributed to President Trump.
All bullshit lies by corrupt libtard losers.
The real truth is that Democrats don’t give one flying fuck about black people.
In fact the Democrat’s new-age black slave population has been completely thrown overboard in favor of illegal immigrants. Democrats care far more about getting the support and illegal votes of illegal immigrants than helping or caring about black people.
Hell, the Democrat party has even almost completely stopped black population growth by pushing baby murder as “healthcare”.
Wake up blacks!!! The Republican Party was FORMED to stop slavery while Democrats fought to keep slavery alive.
Democrats hate black people, and only give a shit when they need your vote.
Ever since President Donald Trump emerged as a serious political contender, voices on the left and in the mainstream media have insisted that he’s openly racist.
Of course, the evidence doesn’t really back this up. The New York businessman was known to be friends with countless people from many backgrounds, and even prominent civil rights figures like Jesse Jackson praised Trump before he announced that he was running for president.
Now, it looks the like the “Trump is racist” narrative is failing to resonate with a surprising demographic: black Americans.
Despite being almost endlessly slammed by the media, Trump’s approval ratings with black voters appear to be climbing since he took office.
Even a poll conducted by the NAACP — one of the most well-known black liberal groups in America — revealed that while there’s still a long way to go, Trump is faring much better with the black community than many of his Republican predecessors.
That poll put Trump’s support among black Americans at 21 percent. No, it doesn’t seem very high … but when you consider how low past Republicans have fared with minorities, it looks downright magnificent.
It’s also bad news for Democrats. The left has long relied on black Americans voting blue at the polls, and if that demographic continues to walk away from liberal politicians, the ability of Democrats to win future elections is in serious jeopardy.
“The Democrats heavily depend on 90-plus-percent turnout and 90-plus-percent support for Democrats among African-Americans. If that level of support falls to 71%, the game is more or less over,” explained American Thinker.
If black voters begin to vote Republican in higher numbers or simply stay home on election day, the numbers say that Democrats just can’t win.
The NAACP poll putting black opposition to Trump at 79 percent brings the left precariously close to that tipping point — and other polls show the president doing even better with blacks.
“(Donald Trump’s) approval ratings among black voters: 29%,” stated Rasmussen Reports, a respected polling group, a week ago. “This time last year: 15%.”
That suggests that black opposition to Trump is right at 71 percent … yes, exactly at the “tipping point” beyond which Democrats cannot win future presidential elections. And Trump keeps doing better with blacks, not worse.
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