This lady is not smart enough to be a dog-catcher, let alone President Of the United States. If she had ANY brain whatsoever, she would be taking interview after interview from the fake news sycophant liars in the leftist-controlled media, but the brainless bimbo can’t even do that. Senile decrepit Biden was more able than this worthless blowjob queen. Kamala Harris definitely sounds pretty fucking drunk again in this video, like soooo many other videos we have seen of drunk probable alcoholic Kamala.
This is why Obama doesn’t allow Kamala to give interviews without a teleprompter
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) August 26, 2024
IF COVID actually DID kill 220 million Americans there would be democrats, like Bill Gates, dancing in the streets, but goes to show that Kamala Harris has no clue about what is happening in America or the world.
The truth is that Kamala Harris will not speak with anyone because she is truly as dumb as a box of rocks, and if she had even the most glowing softball interview, people would see how dumb she really is, and the jig would be up.
Since Kamala Harris won’t speak with the media, lets allow videos of her stupidity to speak for her.
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