The lisping racist skank MSNBC host, Melissa Harris-Perry, is promoting the violent attack of innocent people, and says that she hopes Trayvon Martin ‘whooped the shit out of George Zimmerman’ before he was ultimately killed.
I think the nappy head of taut fake hair is probably affecting Melissa Harris-Perry’s brain functionality.
Photos and testimony shows that Trayvon Martin actually did put a pretty good whooping on George Zimmerman, and was killed while committing the violent attack on Mr. Zimmerman.
Racist MSNBC skank Melissa Harris-Perry can say all she wants that she hopes that Trayvon Martin whooped George Zimmerman, but the violent attack of George Zimmerman is exactly the reason why Trayvon Martin is now dead, and Melissa Harris-Perry’s statement may end up getting more black thug kids killed by attacking someone with a gun.
Melissa Harris-Perry is really just your typical black racist nutjob, who is pissed off that an innocent man wasn’t found guilty of murder, after being forced to defend himself against the attack of a violent black thug criminal.
MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry expressed her hope that Trayvon Martin “whooped the sh*t out of’ George Zimmerman in a speech at Cornell University on Monday.
In video of the speech released by the Cornell Review, she remarked “I hope he tried to stay alive, I hope he knew that he lived in a state with a Stand Your Ground Law, and I hope he whooped the sh*t out of George Zimmerman…cause he encountered a stranger who was prepared to kill him, and you know how I know? Because he killed him.”
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