MSNBC liar and total dickhead, Chuck Todd, took the opportunity to rip into St Louis Blues fans, who have been waiting for their first Stanley Cup title in the club’s 52-year history, and in doing so, Chuck Todd really showed America how much of a complete fucking douche he really is!
You know what? Fuck Fake News Liar Chuck Todd, and fuck all 858 idiots who actually clicked the like button on idiotic brainfart tweets of dickheads like Chuck Todd. The City of St Louis hates you, and wish bad things upon you!
Here’s a link to the thread from this Chuck Todd brainfart – he’s certainly getting an ear-full!
Also, what is up with the shitty butthurt Boston Bruins fans sticking around to boo, throw trash on the ice and flip-off Blues players during the St Louis Blues’ Stanley Cup ceremony? What a bunch of classless crybaby losers! Go the fuck home and lay down, losers!
St Louis Blues fans would be much more respectful of another team in a similar situation, because St Louis fans have class – unlike Boston douches.
Sure there would be a few booers, or maybe even someone flipping people off, but any negativity would be overwhelmed by fans showing their appreciation for both team’s efforts over the series.
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