Gun haters will hate hearing about this story. I would bet that a dangerous city like NY has a LOT of guns, yet you are more likely to die from falling down than you are from being shot.
The reason why there aren’t many more gun deaths in NY, and their firearm death-rate is decreasing, is because everyone assumes that everyone else in the city is packing heat.
According to a UPI report, “300 [people] die as result of a fall” every year in New York City. Meanwhile, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) reports 419 people were murdered in NYC in 2012, but of those murders only 239 were firearm-related.
Of the 419 murders in 2012, the NYPD lists weapons used as: “Firearms (57 percent), Stabbed (21 percent), Bludgeoned (11 percent), Physical Force (6 percent), Other (5 percent).”
The UPI report makes clear that falls “are the leading cause of death among New York City adults age 65 and older.” The number of hospital visits for fall-related injuries is increasing.
On the other hand, the NYPD shows that the number of firearm related murders is on the decrease–down “19 percent from 2011.”
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