Unless changes are made, and quick, it’s not looking good for Major League Baseball and the PGA of America now that we have a couple brainless dickheads in the MLB and the PGA joining Kaepernick’s show of hatred of America.

MLB & PGA Need To Quickly Control America-Hating Players To Prevent Major Backlash & Damage to Sports
Anti-American Oakland A’s catcher Bruce Maxwell and America-hating PGA pussy Peter Malnati have now entered the fray, and will surely now feel the wrath and backlash of true Americans who love our country, and will not stand by silently as these nutless douchebags damage themselves and the sports they play by adding their 2 cents. (which is all that these fucking jackoff’s thoughts on the matter are really worth)
“Yeah, fuck this guy! Our president speaks of inequality of man because players are protesting the anthem! Fuck this man! Seriously on the highest platform for our country expressing that it is OK for there to be division of man and rights!” – Anti-American Oakland A’s catcher Bruce Maxwell
Yea? Well fuck you too Bruce Maxwell, you stupid racist piece of shit, who obviously can’t think for himself, otherwise he would know that the protests are total bullshit.
The entire premise that the national anthem protests are based on – that police are systematically hunting down black people in order to kill them – is a complete and total lie that has been debunked many times ad nauseam using hard facts and real statistics, but the racist anti-American losers will never allow facts stand in the way of their lies.
Now many former NFL fans across the United States have started burning their NFL items, which means that the NFL has lost these fans for good. They will never come back.
The thin-skinned pussy-filled NFL is already spiraling the toilet bowl, and ready to go under if as little as 2% of their fans stop following the NFL.
Will the MLB or the PGA be next?
The MLB is in pretty good shape seeing how only one racist anti-American (Oakland A’s catcher Bruce Maxwell) has outted himself, but we all know what happened with the last player strike, which almost killed Major League Baseball. Baseball might have died if it weren’t brought back to life by the homerun race between St Louis Cardinals slugger Mark McGwire and Cubs slugger Sammy Socia.
That was due to a strike.. but I’m sure that the American People will be much less forgiving when racist anti-Americans are attacking the nation we love.
The PGA is just now getting to a spot where they are gaining a larger fan following, and I suspect that an anti-American loser speaking badly about the President of the United States, and disrespecting our flag will not be appreciated by the PGA of America, and could very easily do MAJOR and PERMANENT damage to the PGA as a whole.
The MLB and the PGA, two sports leagues that I still love – unlike the NFL, which I hate with a passion, need to get control of their athletes now and prevent the sport-killing disaster which the NFL is currently caught underneath (as well as many other problems that are sure to destroy the NFL very quickly).
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