The Mexican Government is now investigating an Obama administration gun-running scandal, called “Fast and Furious”, where Eric Holder and the Obama DOJ actually armed Mexican drug cartels with untraceable high-powered military-grade weapons – arming some very deadly people with weapons on par with the US military’s.

Mexico Starts Investigating Obama/Holder Illegal & Deadly Gun-Running Scheme Called ‘Fast & Furious’
“The only way to avoid another lawless administration that abandons the rule of law is to imprison those members of Obama’s thug administration who did this to the American people.”
In the Obama administration’s “Fast and Furious” gun-running operation, Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder allowed known criminals to buy military-grade weapons illegally in the US, and then transport the deadly weapons out of the United States, without tracking the weapons or even knowing where the weapons went.
And now, due to the criminal actions of the Obama administration, many of these illegal high-powered weapons have since been used all over the world in deadly murders.
This deadly Obama administration gun-running scandal is still killing people today 11 years after it started, and while the crimes were swept under the rug by the democrats, maybe the Mexican Government can shed some light on the criminal actions of the Obama administration – the most criminally-corrupt in the history of America.
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador ain’t happy with the United States.
Oh, he is pleased with President Donald John Trump.
For the first time ever, Mexico is patrolling its borders to stop Mexicans and others from entering the USA illegally.
No, AMLO is upset with Obama who armed drug dealers in defiance off Mexico’s strict gun laws.
Reuters reported, “Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said his government would send a diplomatic note to Washington for information on the 2009-2011 operation known as ‘Fast and Furious,’ a topic that has resurfaced in recent days amid a debate over historic U.S.-Mexico cooperation on security and possible corruption under previous administrations.
“Setting out to stop cross-border gun smuggling, the U.S. scheme allowed people to illegally buy arms in the United States and take them to Mexico so that the weapons could be tracked and lead law enforcement officials to drug cartel bosses. Some weapons were later blamed for gangland slayings in Mexico..
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