Mentally challenged Hillary Clinton doesn’t just think that half of Americans are “deplorable”, but she now shockingly claimed in the first Presidential Debate that all Americans are “implicitly bias” against black people as well.
Honestly, I wouldn’t doubt that the group of KKK Democrats that Hillary hangs around with are the kind of racist assholes that she thinks the rest of Americans are.
Hillary has just been in the Democrat party of racism, slavery and the KKK for a long ass time, with many closet racist friend, who only let their racist thoughts free when safe with like-minded Democrats.
The truth is the Democrats actually HATE black people, and the ONLY reason why the Democrat party of slavery and the KKK cares about black people is because the Democrats want the black vote every 4 years. If it were up to Hillary Clinton and most Democrats, black people would still be picking their cotton.
Hillary Clinton said in Monday night’s debate that “implicit bias is a problem for everyone, not just police” in response to a question from Lester Holt about racial discrimination.
Holt explicitly asked Clinton if she thinks the police have “implicit bias” against black Americans. She replied:
Lester, I think implicit bias is a problem for everyone. Not just police. I think unfortunately too many of us in our great country, um, jump to conclusions about each other. And therefore I think we need all of us to be asking ourselves hard questions about, you know, why am I feeling this way.
In a moment of candor, Clinton said that all Americans are biased because everyone jumps to “conclusions” about each other.
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