Martha MacCallum Grills Mississippi Gubernatorial Candidate Over Vows To Wife Keeping Himself Safe From False Accusations

Martha MacCallum is gorgeous, but she does have a way of taking the left’s side of arguments, and completely missing the story – and now she’s using bullcrap CNN stories in her show that damage Republican candidates for no reason.

Mississippi Gubernatorial Candidate Robert Foster told a female reporter that he would not ride alone in a car with her for 16 hours, unless she brought someone else with her, as she followed him on a day in his campaign.

Foster said that he made this decision due to vows that he made to his wife, and somehow this is a problem to people? What dumb fucks! I think it’s very fucking smart, and I would recommend ALL conservative politicians to do enact the same policy immediately.

Martha MacCallum kept asking Foster what made him “suspicious” about being alone with the reporter, and would he feel the same if it were a man? Robert Foster didn’t want to say the real reason why he didn’t want to be alone with a female reporter, whom he didn’t know – which is that the vast majority of reporters are usually stupid leftist hacks, who have axes to grind with conservatives, and will either write hit piece, or make a false sexual assault accusation.

False sex crime accusations are something we’ve seen over and over from the crazy Socialist Democrats and their supporters, so we’ve really come to expect it.

And Democrats / leftists routinely use a disgusting tactic of falsely accusing conservatives of sexual crimes ahead of elections – or Supreme Court nominees.

I thought Martha would have eventually caught onto the story and asked the real question. “Are you afraid that, after being alone with a woman you don’t know, that you leave yourself open to accusations of improper behavior?”

To which his answer may have, and should have been. “Martha, Politics have changed, and our opponents now play a very dirty game, with a willing media to back them up. So yes, is a definite possibility in today’s political climate that any conservative politician could be hit with false accusations at any time by someone with an axe to grind. False accusations are now something that all conservative political campaigns have to do what they can to negate, and it’s something we take very seriously.”

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