Little Dick Leftist Howard Stern & Brainless Sidekick Fantasize About Deaths of Millions of Trump Supporters

Little dick leftist dumbfuck Howard Stern continues pushing the lies of the democrats and the fake news that President Trump told someone to inject Clorox into their heart to stop the Chinese Wuhan COVID-19 Coronavirus, when that is just more fake news lies designed to damage our President.

Little Dick Leftist Howard Stern & Brainless Sidekick Fantasize About Deaths of Millions of Trump Supporters

Psycho jackoffs Howard Stern and Robin Quivers – like most TDS Inflicted loser democrats – also actually fantasize about the deaths of millions of Trump supporters, and need major psychiatric help!

“I would love it if Donald would get on TV and take an injection of Clorox and let’s see if his theory works. Let him, volunteer. Or hold a big rally, say fuck this coronavirus, with all of his followers, and let them hug each other and kiss each other and have a big, big rally.” – Stupid leftist dumbfuck Howard Stern

Howard Stern… What a total fucking worthless loser! Has there ever been a bigger loser? And really, who the fuck listens to Howard Stern anymore? Nobody.

Howard Stern and Robin Quivers should both do us all a favor and inject each other with Clorox, and maybe all 4 of their listeners would do the same. Fucking losers!

Monday on his Sirius XM’s show Howard Stern said President Donald Trump should resign over his comments about injecting disinfectants.

Stern said, “Boy, oh boy, I got to tell my buddy Donald Trump, Jesus Christ resign from the presidency. Do the world a favor. You don’t want to be president. Go work at Mar-a-Lago. Have a nice rest of your life. This guy is out of his f-cking mind. I don’t know what Donald is doing. I mean, when he holds a press conference, it’s like you go oh f-ck.”

He continued, “I don’t know what to say what’s going on with Donald. I mean, these statements are idiotic. Hey, I have this idea. Maybe since Clorox works on surfaces, couldn’t they just pour Clorox into your asshole.”

He added, “I would love it if Donald would get on TV and take an injection of Clorox and let’s see if his theory works. Let him, volunteer. Or hold a big rally, say f-ck this coronavirus, with all of his followers, and let them hug each other and kiss each other and have a big, big rally.”

Co-host Robin Quivers said, “A big cocktail of disinfectant.”

Stern said, “Yeah, and all take disinfectant and all drop dead.”

He added, “It’s an embarrassment. And then the bigger embarrassment is the insult to my intelligence were he goes ‘I was being sarcastic.’ There was no sarcasm. And if he was being sarcastic, that is even worse people are dying. This us no time for sarcasm.”

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