Libtartd Douchebag Loser Jon Stewart Doesn’t Think America has Ever Been A Great Nation

Ultra libtard douchebag Jon Stewart thinks that America has actually never been great, and apparently he doesn’t like when conservatives claim ownership of the country.

Yes Jon, it is MY nation, and I want it back from the corrupt politicians who are using their positions for personal gain, not for the benefit of the American People.

America WAS great back when we weren’t the laughing stock of the entire world, who’s illegal/terrorist-friendly president actually invites criminals, terrorist and leeches to invade our borders, and then force the American taxpayer to support/fund every aspect of the criminal’s lives while they live here illegally, with no chance of deportation.

Jon Stewart definitely won’t like it, but America will be great again once we get a conservative-minded president in the White House to start undoing some of the extreme damage that Obama and the Democrat Culture of Corruption has done to our nation.

One thing is for sure.. We don’t need Crooked Hillary or Socialist Bernie with their hands in the till or on the nuke button.

Jon Stewart, former Daily Show host and liberal America’s favorite spokesperson, isn’t sure America has ever been that great a country. Not even all the extra zeroes it has allowed him to add to his bank account could persuade him.

Joining David Axelrod at the University of Chicago on Monday for the podcast “The Axe Files with David Axelrod,” Stewart took issue with Donald Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again:”

“When was America great? What is this time that he speaks of? ‘81 to ‘82? Like, what are we talking about? And who took your country away from you? Who’s country… Who’s country is it? Take up the argument with the Founders. Take it up with the Age of Reason. That’s — All men are created equal. That’s f***ed the whole thing up.”

Reading through a Newsbusters transcript, Stewart had even more to say, this time about conservatives:

“As far as I can tell, the conservative side, or the right side, they feel an ownership over America. They are the stewards of America. They are its forbears… Republicans, conservatives love America. They just hate, like, 50 percent of the people living in it.”

Stewart pinned conservatives as the truly “triggered” when it comes to political correctness. When someone says Muslims are “evil and shouldn’t be allowed in this country” — though no one has said that — Stewart thinks conservatives are thinking that’s just “telling it like it is.”

“But God forbid you say happy holidays in December, it’s f***ing war,” he added.

The most accurate assessment on this matter may have been offered by Newsbusters commenter Newshound24, who wrote:

When was America great? Before Jon Stewart was given a job on TV.

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