The brainless libtards running the “Sanctuary State” of California are 100% responsible for the murder of Kathryn Steinle by violent Mexican illegal immigrant Francisco Sanchez, while taking photos with her father at Pier 14 in San Francisco, California.
The violent Mexican illegal immigrant criminal, Francisco Sanchez, has seven prior felony convictions, and was deported 5 times, but was able to sneak over our insecure borders to return, and was allowed to stay in the US to kill Americans by open borders Democrats after his last arrest.

Liberal Sanctuary State California ALLOWED Mexican Illegal Immigrant to Murder Woman In Front of Family
The California sanctuary state allowed a violent Mexican Illegal Immigrant criminal to murder a woman in broad daylight, right in front of her family, for no reason whatsoever., and then they just say “Oops.. sucks for you”
The dangerous CA policies on illegal immigration are due to Obama and the liberal’s stance on illegal immigration, and most likely took their cues from the Obama State Dept.
No matter how and why violent Mexican illegal immigrant Francisco Sanchez was allowed to murder Kathryn Steinle, it is the fault of liberals.
California is one of the most dangerous states in the United States because they allow undocumented illegal immigrants all of the rights of legal US citizens, and don’t take action to remove the criminals who are dangerous to the American population.
I hope the Steinle family files a HUGE ASS LAWSUIT against California, and I hope that the state of California is forced to pay the Steinle family a HUGE sum of money! I wouldn’t even flinch if they were awarded $25 million for the very preventable death of their daughter/sister!
Of course the Democrats are going to try and blame republicans for the illegal immigration violence, but everyone with 1/2 a brain knows that it is the fault of the liberal Democrats, who have been fighting to keep dangerous illegal immigrants free to roam in and out of the United States, with no border security.
Personally, I say FUCK CALIFORNIA and the Obama administration! You both suck assholes, and are both responsible for the death of Kathryn Steinle.
I will never travel to California again, as it is one of the most dangerous places in the United States, and we urge all other Americans to boycott California as well! A sanctuary state, like California, that has no regard for the safety and well-being of their citizens, don’t deserve additional money from tourism.
Go to Florida instead of California, or you may be murdered as well by a dangerous undocumented illegal immigrant criminal that California ignored, and allowed them to kill by allowing them to stay.
The family of a California woman who was allegedly shot dead by an illegal Mexican immigrant have criticized officials who didn’t hand him over after he was jailed just months before the attack.
Grieving relatives of Kathryn Steinle, 32, who was shot dead on San Francisco’s Pier 14 Thursday night, made the comments in light of revelations that alleged killer Francisco Sanchez, 45, had already been sent back over the border five times.
Immigration officials said that they had made him a ‘priority’ request for any law enforcement officers who picked him up.
But when he was arrested over marijuana four months ago in San Francisco he was let go, in accordance with city policy designed to give ‘sanctuary’ to undocumented migrants.
Speaking to NBC Bay Area, Steinle’s mother, Liz Sullivan, said: ‘It would have been so much better if he were gone. Absolutely.’
The comments, made Friday, came around the same time that presidential candidate Donald Trump weighed in on the killing, claiming is proves U.S. border controls are ‘totally out of control’, and need to be bolstered by a solid wall along the nation’s southern frontier.
From his Twitter page, the would-be Republican nominee shared a link to coverage of the attack and said: ‘Our Southern border is totally out of control. This is an absolutely disgraceful situation. We need border security!’
He then continued: ‘Our Southern border is unsecure [sic]. I am the only one that can fix it, nobody else has the guts to even talk about it.’
It came as immigration officials revealed that Sanchez should have been sent to them when he was arrested four months ago, but was let go in accordance with San Francisco’s ‘sanctuary city’ policy.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement had marked him as an ‘enforcement priority’ who should have been handed over immediately.
But San Francisco officials admitted that due to a soft policy on undocumented immigrants, they do not always comply with the requests – which in Sanchez’s case left him out on the streets on the night of the murder.
Half an hour after his opening salvo, Trump also added a message of condolence to Steinle’s family, also taking the opportunity to add ‘we need a wall!’.
Since the Thursday killing, reports have revealed how Sanchez was already on probation out of Texas and should have been sent to federal authorities as an ‘enforcement priority’ following a Bay Area arrest four months ago.
Records indicate Sanchez had seven previous felony convictions and has been deported to Mexico on five separate occasions.
However, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was never notified of that latest arrest before Steinle’s slaying. And he was instead allowed to walk free from a San Francisco jail.
The arrest was on a charge of selling marijuana, for which prosecutors declined to charge him. The date on which Sanchez was last released has not been disclosed.
Standard protocol called for sheriffs – who ran the jail where Sanchez was last detained – to notify police upon his release, which they did not.
‘She was the most wonderful, loving caring person’: Kate’s brother Brad Steinle becomes emotional as he discusses his sister with a local reporter
‘If anybody could take anything from this — if you love somebody, just tell them that you love them,’ Brad Steinle said‘She was the most wonderful, loving caring person’: Kate’s brother Brad Steinle becomes emotional as he discusses his sister with a local reporter. ‘I had the best sister.’
ICE spokeswoman Virginia Kice said Sanchez had a ‘detainer’ on his status, meaning federal officials had flagged him for detention with notification sent to state and local authorities.
Sanchez’s felonies, four of which involved drugs, took place across multiple states including Texas, Oregon and Arizona.
He also had a slew of phony birth dates and aliases, says a source at KNTV.
The victim’s grief-stricken family members, meanwhile, have already spoken out in tribute of their beloved daughter and sister.
Just hours after the horrific slaying at Pier 14, the tight-knit parents and brother of Kathryn ‘Kate’ Steinle, were still coming to grips with the senseless killing, but had no trouble finding words to describe how special Kate was.
‘She was the most wonderful, loving caring person and if anybody could take anything from this — if you love somebody, just tell them that you love them,’ said brother Brad Steinle.
‘Dad, help me’: Steinle’s father immediately began CPR before paramedics rushed his daughter to the hospital
‘We loved Kate, and I will love her till the day I die,’ Brad told ABC 7 as he fought off tears. ‘I had the best sister.’
Kate’s mother, 69-year-old Liz Sullivan, recounted the first moments of their family’s nightmare to the San Francisco Chronicle. ‘She just kept saying, ‘Dad, help me, help me.”
Her father immediately began CPR before paramedics rushed the woman to the hospital.
‘She fought for her life,’ Sullivan said.
Sullivan said the killing was unbelievable and surreal. ‘I don’t think I’ve totally grasped it,’ she said.
Jim Steinle said the shooting happened so fast it was hard to fathom it was actually happening.
‘There was a pop, and Kate went down,’ 68-year-old Jim Steinle tearfully recalled on Thursday.
‘There were no words exchanged between the suspect and the victim,’ said Sgt. Michael Andraychak. ‘The victim said something to her family members to the extent that she didn’t feel well, that she just realized something had taken place and she fell to the ground.’
Police arrested Francisco Sanchez about an hour after the shooting. Authorities said he does not yet have a lawyer.
According to CBS San Francisco, the 45-year-old was on probation out of Texas at the time of the shooting.
After making the arrest, divers were sent into the murky depths of the bay around Pier 14 and discovered a firearm, though it was not immediately clear if it was this crime’s murder weapon.
Police Sergeant Michael Andraychak said witnesses snapped photos of Sanchez immediately after the shooting and the images helped police make the arrest while he was walking on a sidewalk a few blocks away.
Steinle’s family told police the shooting was completely random.
‘There were no words exchanged between the suspect and the victim,’ said Sgt. Michael Andraychak. ‘The victim said something to her family members to the extent that she didn’t feel well, that she just realized something had taken place and she fell to the ground.’
Prior to her untimely death Kathryn Steinle had just sent her mother a photo of her, her father and a family friend on the scenic waterfront of the Embarcadero. Shortly after her mother was by her side in a hospital room.
‘It was a battle, but she just didn’t make it,’ Kate’s mother said.
‘It was horrific, but we knew the minute they came to talk to us, it wasn’t good. But it was so nice to go in and be with her.’
Sullivan told The San Francisco Chronicle that she softly touched her daughter’s face before she died and remembered a time when her daughter was little and she used to decorate her with face paint.
‘We have deep faith,’ Jim Steinle said
‘Our faith isn’t to the point where we’re ready to forgive,’ he added.
She’ll be missed: Kate, pictured here with a male friend, was taken to a hopital after the shooting where her mother caressed her face one last time
Woman randomly shot dead by stranger in San FranciscoNeighbor Patrick Dunlap, 74, is also deeply mourning the death of a little girl he watched grow up and become a ‘very personable young woman.’
He says he remembers her coming over to his house when she was just six-years-old to deliver flowers to his daughter who had broken her arm.
‘This little girl looked up and said, ‘This is for the girl with the broken arm,” Dunlap said on Thursday as he joined friends and her parents to mourn her death.
‘We’re very fortunate that we are an extremely close family,’ Sullivan said.
‘She would come and spend the night several nights. It was just so, so special. We would take naps together. I’m so thankful for that.’
Eric Epperson, a spokesman for Medtronic where Kate was employed, said the company is ‘saddened by this tragedy. Our thoughts are with Kate and her family during this time.’
‘We knew every day was to be cherished,’ Sullivan said.
Thursday, police announced that Texas resident Francisco Sanchez was arrested in connection with the shooting death of 32-year-old Kate, pictured here with her loving parents and her brother. ‘We knew every day was to be cherished,’said her mother
‘We always thought we’ve been so blessed.’
The family has begun making funeral arrangements
The area is one of the busiest tourist destinations in San Francisco.
The slaying was particularly shocking because it happened in broad daylight in a place where tourists gather to take in the views, joggers exercise, and families push strollers at all hours.
Steinle went to high school and previously lived about 40 miles east of San Francisco, the newspaper said. She recently moved just blocks from the waterfront and worked for a medical technology company called Medtronic.
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