Juan “Open Borders” Williams is really a far left wack-job, and I cannot believe what I just heard! come out of his mouth!
In an interview on The Factor with Bill Oreilly and Mary Katharine Ham, Bill made a point that 50% of all immigrants in the United States (Legal and Illegal) receive some kind of federal assistance, like welfare, food stamps etc.
Nut-job Juan Williams actually tried making the case that our government to spend $billions of our taxpayer money on illegal immigrants is no different than the government spending taxpayer money on military veterans and elderly American citizens.
How fucking stupid can you get? There actually is a huge difference Juan!
The two groups of Americans that Juan compares to illegal immigrants are actual American Citizens, who have been paying American taxes their whole lives, or served in the United States military, and who deserve help from the American government.
Illegal immigrants mostly do not deserve help from the American Government because they are criminals who should not be in our country to begin with, and the American Taxpayer should not be forced to support criminals who broke our nations laws to come here and suckle off America’s tit.
Juan needs to go take his meds and lay down for a while because he is obviously not making sense.
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