THIS IS GREAT! Watch Bill Maher rip The Washington Post and the bat-shit-crazy democrats to shreds, leaving WAPO and the democrats in a quivering bloody pile of shit.
“The New York Times just read an op-ed entitled, ‘Why are we still governed by baby boomers?’ This is why: because too many millennials are overly sensitive, overly fragile and have no sense of priorities. “You know, I’m sure many boomers would love to retire, but they can’t. They’re like the grandmother who would much rather be watching Judge Judy and has to raise her grandkids because her own kids are too fucked up to manage it. It’s funny, you think my generation is an eyeroll? Let me let you in on a little secret about the younger generations: no one wants to hire you. Your sense of entitlement is legendary and, with notable exceptions, your attention span and worth ethic suck.” – Leftist Bill Maher
“Uhhh the Biden’s… That’s.. that’s who.. Joe’s in trouble.. uh low ratings.. but well the economy is in the shitter.. you know this. I mean, you’ve been in a good mood. You know I’m very glad to see that because stock market crashed, or is crashing. Uh, inflation.. off the charts. Shortages in everything. Are we sure it’s not Russia who’s putting the sanctions on us?” – Leftist Bill Maher
When you’re done watching the video above, watch it again. It’s even better the 2nd time.
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