California is one big fucking disgusting toilet of diseases – filled with piles of garbage, used drug needles and human feces – and LA has become the asshole and cesspool of the world – thanks to Democrats.
“I live in the great state of California, the utopia that is California, which is a nightmare! I want to give you a prediction here. There will be a major infectious disease epidemic this summer in Los Angeles. We have tens and tens of thousands of people living in tents. Horrible conditions. Sanitation. Rats have taken over the city. We’re the only city in the country, Los Angeles, without a rodent control program. We have multiple rodent-borne, flea-borne illnesses, plague, typhus. We’re gonna have louse-borne illness. If measles breaks into that population, we have tuberculosis exploding. Literally, our politicians are like Nero. It’s worse than Nero” – Dr. Drew Pinsky
Destructive Democrat policies, and a complete lack of knowledge about economics on the left, have turned California into one of the most dangerous and disgusting places on the face of the earth – not just the USA. And to top it off the people who live in California pay taxes out their asses for the pleasure of stepping in human shit and piss in the streets and on the sidewalks, and getting infected with deadly diseases due to the way their state is run.
Well, now the disgusting state of California has started causing outbreaks of deadly contagious diseases, including Typhoid Fever.
Black death soon to follow.
America’s Cities Are Unlivable. Blame Wealthy Liberals. The basic problem is the steady collapse of livability. Across my home state, traffic and transportation is a developing-world nightmare. Child care and education seem impossible for all but the wealthiest. The problems of affordable housing and homelessness have surpassed all superlatives. The streets are a plague of garbage and needles and feces, and every morning brings fresh horror stories from a ‘Black Mirror’ hellscape: Homeless veterans are surviving on an economy of trash from billionaires’ mansions.”
It’s no wonder that people living amongst the piles of steaming shit, urine and trash packing the streets are starting to get sick – and I seriously wouldn’t give a shit, but these contagious diseases coming from California can and may spread quickly across the Unites States.
It takes a lot of resilience to look over one’s shoulder at California. We Americans are a proud people and love our country. We know we’re wildly imperfect, but we also have seen our country overcome difficulties to become a more perfect union.
California, not so much.
One glance at the formerly Golden State is a frightening embarrassment. The latest indictment of liberal leadership is the trash heap of Los Angeles. Literally. Despite the emergence of louse-borne typhus, Los Angeles can’t seem to get its act together.
Steve Lopez of the Los Angeles Times reported a week ago on the obscene condition of downtown Los Angeles, “A mountain of rotting, oozing, stinking trash … stretching a good 20 yards along a skid row alley. Rats popped their heads out of the debris like they were in a game of Whac-A-Mole, then scampered for cover as a tractor with a scoop lurched toward them. … The trash problem is not confined to any one street, but this particular location on the 800 block of Ceres Avenue is surrounded by food distribution companies that sell to shoppers, vendors, stores and restaurants. I counted seven within a block, so you have to wonder — given the colonies of football-size rats — about the potential contamination of the food supply chain and the spread of disease.”
What does the city say when confronted about the slow, or nonexistent, pace of cleanup?
A “spokeswoman for the city Department of Public Works said the backlog on service calls for trash pickup around homeless encampments sits at just under 8,400 currently. … ‘If it’s a homeless encampment, it’s a lengthier process because humans are involved and we have to meet certain protocols,’ she said, including a survey of who’s there, an inventory of personal property and notice of a cleanup,” the Times reported.
That’s right. Their concern for the people who are at ground zero for emerging deadly viruses is to follow protocols involving surveys and inventories. So don’t you worry — big government is keeping itself busy, as it behaves as though it’s normal to have more than 2,000 people sleeping on trash heaps, as potential epidemics lurk.
This is the idiotic disaster brought to you by unrestrained liberal leadership as it creates problems, then births a bureaucracy that will never deal with it.
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