The Democrat Party of slavery, KKK, Jim Crow and segregation have done a good job of brainwashing the black community and others about the history of the United States, and the Democrat Party’s role in fighting the Civil War to try and keep their black slaves as property that they could own and control, but the Democrat lies will not last when confronted with the true facts.
Democrats have put out so much false information about their history, and have been systematically trying to destroy any relics of their past, like the Confederate flag and Confederate statues, and even history books that don’t tell the slave driving Democrat’s revisionist version of history., because they don’t want the American People who have been brainwashed for so long to learn that they have been duped.
The Democrats were the ones fighting to keep slaves throughout the history of our nation, and Democrats still fight to this day to keep the black population as their slaves and property, bought and paid for with government hand-outs to keep black people on the Democrat Plantation.
Democrats HATE when black people start to wake up from the fog of the Democrat lies that have been sold to the black population, and these new Democrat slave drivers will do anything to stop their property from leaving the Democrat Plantation. This is why they viciously attack Kanye West and all other black people who speak out.
But the truth is starting to break through the Democrat slavemaster’s lies, and soon the Democrats will no longer be able to control an entire race of people anymore with their scare tactics and lies.
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