Joel McHale Is a Liberal Piece of Shit Liar Perpetuating Tired Racist Democrat Lies

Joel McHale is a piece of shit liar, who covers the fact that he is lying by hiding behind the title “comedian”, which is a stretch. If anyone hates Black people though it’s the Democrats. Just look at how well the Black population under Obama and the Democrats have fared.

Joel McHale Is a Liberal Piece of Shit Liar Perpetuating Tired Racist Democrat Lies

Joel McHale Is a Liberal Piece of Shit Liar Perpetuating Tired Racist Democrat Lies

The truth is that data shows unequivocally that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category.

Black Americans have overwhelmingly supported Barack Obama in two presidential elections, but on Obama’s watch they have fallen further behind during his term in office, losing ground in measures of income, employment, and education.

  • The poverty rate for blacks sharply increased under Obama, rising from 12 percent in 2008 to 16.1 percent in 2014.
  • Median income for Black workers declined by 3.6 percent for white households to $58,000, but fell 10.9 percent to $33,500 for black households.
  • The drop in labor force participation was sharpest for Black people, who saw a decline of 0.3 percentage points to 60.2 percent, the lowest rate since December of 1977.

Yet piece of shit Joel McHale and the Democrats somehow keep perpetuating the lie that Republicans hate Black people and the lie that Democrats care for the Black family.

The absolute truth is this: The ONLY use that Democrats have for Black People is their vote, period.


The White House Correspondents Dinner presented actor and comedian Joel McHale a perfect opportunity to make a joke at the Republican Party’s expense with an unlikely comparison with the Kardashian sisters.

“I know the Kardashians are Republicans, because they’re always trying to screw black people,” McHale said to the “ohhs” of the audience members.

McHale was the selected host for this year’s festivities and he gave a performance that elicited numerous nervous laughs and cautious feedback from the attendees.

Other jokes from McHale’s performance include: “Mr. President—or, as Paul Ryan would call you, another inner city minority taking advantage of the federal government to feed and house your family,” and “Instead of being shipped off to a gulag, I’m going to the Vanity Fair after-party. This is America, where everyone can be Pussy Riot.”

He had shared with Howard Stern earlier this week that he had jokes cut from his set for being too offensive.

Barack Obama also took his time at the mic to rip on Republican opponents such as Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell before McHale took the stage.

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