The world should be terrified if the criminal Hillary Clinton ever became President of the United States! Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein says that the idea of Hillary Clinton having access to the United States’ nuclear weapons codes would be FAR MORE SCARY that if trump had access to them.
I would 100% agree with Jill Stein’s accurate assessment of Crooked Lyin’ Hillary Clinton’s access to Americas nuke codes!
It has been shown time and time again that Hillary Clinton will do and say anything to cover-up her crimes to be elected, and I have absolutely no doubt that once president, Hillary Clinton would have no problem starting a war to divert the eyes of the corrupt media, and hide her crimes from the American People and the world.
Hillary Clinton is dangerous and unstable, and seems to also have some debilitating brain damage as well – all of which should disqualify her from having access to the world’s most powerful weapons and military! THAT WOULD BE SCARY!
Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein is warning liberal progressives not to throw away their vote by supporting corporatist Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
“Don’t waste your vote on corporate Democrats. #InvestYourVote,” Stein wrote on Twitter on Wednesday:
Stein then retweeted a statement from the Green Party’s official Twitter account which read, “It’s time to #InvestYourVote in building a people’s party – not waste your vote on corporate party candidates that continue to betray you.”
“Unlike the Democrats and Republicans, we don’t cuddle up to Wall Street and special interests with our ‘public’ and ‘private’ positions,” Stein added in a separate tweet, referring to the recent WikiLeaks revelation that Hillary Clinton said that politicians need to have “both a public and private position” on every issue:
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Dr. Jill Stein@DrJillStein
Unlike the Democrats and Republicans, we don’t cuddle up to Wall Street and special interests with our “public” and “private” positions.
11:02 AM – 12 Oct 2016
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Stein observed that “corporations were originally chartered to serve the public good, but they’ve become monsters that dominate our government.”Stein has previously explained that the liberal progressive agenda–on health care, crime, climate change, trade, etc.– cannot be accomplished under a corporatist like Hillary Clinton. Stein argued that a Clinton presidency will simply be the continuation of the policies supported by Washington’s “uniparty,” which is controlled by special interest donors–and will not in any way advance the goals of liberal progressives.
Seeming to borrow Trump’s moniker for Clinton, Stein also attacked DNC chair Donna Brazile for her “crooked” behavior– providing Clinton’s campaign with a question in advance for a town hall as Clinton was trying to defeat Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary:
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