Jew Hating CNN Photo Editor Falls On Sword & Resigns After Disgusting Anti Semitic ‘Jewish Pigs’ Twitter Posts Revealed

“Jewish Pigs” – Jew-hating CNN Photo Editor Mohammed Elshamy resigns after his denial of the Holocaust and hatred of Jews has been revealed.

Jew Hating CNN Photo Editor Falls On Sword & Resigns After Disgusting Anti Semitic 'Jewish Pigs' Twitter Posts Revealed

Jew Hating CNN Photo Editor Falls On Sword & Resigns After Disgusting Anti Semitic ‘Jewish Pigs’ Twitter Posts Revealed

How many Jewish People work at CNN? I doubt there are many, if any at all – because I’m sure Jews know that CNN is anti-Israel and anti-Jew, and working there could be uncomfortable if not even dangerous.

It truly amazes me how CNN can fuck up so damn much that in just 7 years CNN has gone from being a very well-respected news organization, to being the untrustworthy joke of the news profession today.

Nobody, except a few mindless far-left zombies, hooked on CNN’s Trump Hate, believes the fake news that spews from CNN 24 hours a day. Most of the people who watched to see what evidence of Trump crimes would be revealed that day. Unfortunately for CNN, the President of the United States has not committed any crimes, so every word they have been telling their viewers for 3 years has been complete bullshit & lies.

So, now we have a Jew-hating CNN Photo Editor, who many people knew was a complete nut-job, because he tweeted about “Jewish Pigs”, and praising their deaths at the hands of terrorists, but was offered a job at Fake News CNN anyway.

But CNN wants you to believe that they didn’t know and are just hearing this for the first time. Yea, right. Bullshit!

Honestly, I wouldn’t doubt if Jeff Zucker & CNN hired Jew hater Mohammed Elshamy BECAUSE he was a raving antisemite, and now they’re just covering their asses to try and keep their remaining 3 viewers.

Social media posts from years ago by a CNN photo editor and writer reveal that he called Jews “pigs” and praised their deaths.

In a 2011 tweet, Mohammed Elshamy, 25, wrote, “More than 4 jewish pigs killed in #Jerusalem today by the Palestinian bomb explode. #Israel #Gaza.” Elshamy joined CNN in January 2019.

The tweet was an apparent reference to the March 23, 2011 bombing of a crowded Jerusalem bus stop that injured 39 people and killed two, not four. Among them was a 14-year-old girl who remained unconscious in the hospital for six years until her death in 2017.

The terrorist attack, which took place after a bomb in a bag hidden behind a telephone booth exploded, was the first to strike the Israeli capital since 2008.

In another tweet from 2011, Elshamy said, “Israel is the main enemy for the people of Egypt and shall always remain rulers who lick Jewish legs.”

In a series of tweets from 2010-2012, Elshamy also praised the terrorist organization Hamas, used “Zionists” as a slur, and also appeared to downplay the Holocaust.

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