Issa Not Satisfied With Holder Fast & Furious ‘Briefing’ – Wants Documents – Contempt Vote Still On

Issa Not Satisfied With Holder Fast & Furious 'Briefing' - Wants Documents - Contempt Vote Still On

Issa Not Satisfied With Holder Fast & Furious ‘Briefing’ – Wants Documents – Contempt Vote Still On

What is Eric Holder trying to hide? If he has nothing to hide, then why not hand over the documents that Congress requested from Holder’s Justice Department over a year ago?

Instead of handing over the documents needed by the investigation, Eric Holder said that they would ‘brief’ Congress on the contents of the documents, and not let Congress take possession of, or even look at the actual documents.

Unfortunately, Eric Holder cannot be trusted – this has been proven time and time again, so nobody in their right mind is going to accept more stalling tactics and stonewalling from the corrupt “Justice Department” and it’s ringleader Eric Holder with ‘briefings’. If that would have been enough, we would not be in this position. It’s time to put up or shut up and take the consequences. Either hand over the documents tonight, or face Contempt of Congress charges in the morning.

Everyone already knows what is in the documents, and Eric Holder has to choose between letting the Contempt of Congress charges go through, or he could hand over the documents and be exposed to what the investigation gets out of them, which may very well be worse than a Contempt of Congress charge.

Rep. Darrell Issa said his face-to-face meeting Tuesday with Attorney General Eric Holder failed to produce the documents requested for the congressional investigation into the Justice Department’s botched Fast and Furious gun walking operation and suggested he needs them by Wednesday morning to stop a scheduled vote to put Holder in contempt of Congress.

The Capitol Hill meeting was called for late Monday night by Holder.

Issa told reporters after the roughly 20-minute meeting that Holder instead briefed them on the documents in lieu of delivering them and suggested he might delay the contempt vote, called for because the department has not responded to subpoena requests for the additional information.

“The deadline will always move to the last minute,” said Issa, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. “We’re not looking to hold people responsible. We’re looking for document production.”

The failed Fast and Furious program attempted to selling thousands of guns to arms dealers along the U.S.-Mexico border to trace them to leaders of drug cartel. However, many of them showed up in crimes scenes, including where U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed in a shoot out.

Congressional investigators have been trying to determine if and when high-level Justice officials knew about problems with the program.

Holder said Issa rejected what he thought was “an extraordinary offer.”

“The ball’s in their court,” he said.

By William La Jeunesse

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