I think the American People need to know a lot more about how lil’ Mike Bloomberg “bought” the 21 seats in Congress for $100 million, because that sounds corrupt as hell, and now Bloomberg is trying to use his deep pockets to buy support, debate spots, votes, delegates, super delegates, and the White House itself.
“Let’s go on the record…they talk about 40 Democrats — 21 of those people that I spent $100 million on to help elect. All the new Democrats that came in that put Nancy Pelosi in charge and gave the Congress the ability to control this president — I BOUGHT – uh I got them.” – lil’ Mike Bloomberg
He’s admitting he
BOUGHT those seats!
OMG! pic.twitter.com/8TlBRJCLcM— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) February 26, 2020
So, Bloomberg also admitted to be the one who put all of these new Socialist, anti-American losers in Congress, and also responsible for most of the attacks on President Trump over the past 4 years – and we need to hold him accountable.
Bloomberg needs to be hounded and heckled everywhere he goes by pissed off conservatives who have seen all of the bullshit the treasonous democrats have tried pulling to remove the President of the United States in an illegal coup.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org