Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are 100% responsible for the Orlando Muslim Terror Attack that killed at least 49 people in an Orlando Florida gay bar, thanks to the Democrats complete disregard for national security and the safety of United States Citizens.

Hillary Clinton’s State Dept Shut Down Investigation Into Orlando Terrorist Killer’s Radical Mosque THat Could Have Stopped Terror Attack
Obama and the Democrats are using the same tactics as they did to coverup their crimes in the aftermath of the Benghazi Terror Attack, where the Democrats blamed some Internet video for the attack, when they knew full well what was happening in plenty of time to save the lives of our people, but did nothing and allowed 4 of our men to die.
“It appears that the shooter was inspired by various extremist information that was disseminated over the internet,” – America’s Terrorist In Chief Obama
Now Obama is claiming that the Orlando Muslim Terrorist was radicalized by websites online, instead of the radical terrorist mosque that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats stopped the investigation into, which was the true reason for Mateen’s attack.
Obama, Clinton and the Democrats don’t want people to start talking about the many opportunities that they had to stop the latest terror attack on America, which the Democrats passed on, and allowed the terrorist to murder 49 more Americans.
Obama Hillary and the Democrats are 100% Responsible for the Orlando Pulse Terror Attack that Killed 49 People!
No only had the terrorist, Omar Mir Siddique Mateen, been investigated no less than 3 times by the FBI, but EVERYONE around the terrorist had been warning everyone that the Mateen was a radicalized hate-filled terrorist, and to top it off, Hillary Clinton’s Ultra Corrupt State Department halted investigations into the radicalized mosque where the terrorist “worshiped” – or more likely was given his terrorist marching orders.
Obama, Hillary, the Democrats, and the corrupt libtard media will try and push their narrative that the “guns are the problem”, but the guns are not the problem at all. The problem is that we have a Democrat party run by a terrorist criminal, who actually WANTS America to be attacked again and again by the same terrorists that they are inviting into the country, and assisting in disappearing into the US population.
Obama, Hillary and the Democrats need to be held accountable for the results that came from their inept & illegal bungling of US National Security. They all belong in prison!
Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. shut down an investigation into the mosque Orlando killer Omar Mir Siddique Mateen attended because it “unfairly singled out Muslims.”
The Fort Pierce Islamic Center, where Mateen worshipped several times a week, was under investigation by both the FBI and DHS as early as 2011 for ties to a worldwide Islamic movement known as Tablighi Jamaal which was linked to several terrorist organizations.
But the investigation was shut down under pressure from the Clinton-ran State Dept. and DHS’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Office out of fear of offending Muslims, according to recently retired DHS agent Philip Haney.
“The FBI had opened cases twice on him, and yet they found no evidence to charge him; it means they didn’t go through the same basic, analytical process that I went through over a three- or four-hour period in which I was able to link the mosque to my previous cases,” he told WND on Sunday.
In other words, the FBI had limited options at stopping Mateen because it was ordered to back off its investigation into his mosque.
Both Clinton and the Obama administration have a history of enabling Islamic terrorism.In 2012, Clinton’s State Dept. was backing al-Qaeda in Iraq, which morphed into ISIS, and other Islamic extremist groups as a proxy army to topple Syrian President Bashir al-Assad.
“The Salafist [sic], the Muslim Brotherhood and AQI [al-Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria,” a leaked memo between her State Dept. and the Pentagon stated. “The West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support [this] opposition, while Russia, China and Iran ‘support the [Assad] regime.’”
Hillary’s State Dept. backed al-Qaeda in Iraq which later morphed into ISIS. @realDonaldTrump #Orlando #2a #tcot
This secret document confirms that Clinton’s State Dept. – and the Obama administration in general – were directly responsible for the rise of ISIS, which is now targeting the West.
The former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, confirmed the document’s importance.
“I don’t know that [the Obama administration] turned a blind eye [to ISIS], I think it was a decision; I think it was a willful decision,” he said.Read more here http://www.infowars.com/hillarys-state-dept-blocked-investigation-into-orlando-killers-mosque/
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org