Don’t worry, that loud sucking sound that you hear anytime you hear Hillary Clinton speak is just the sound of close to $1.5 billion in Clinton’s campaign contributions being flushed straight down the toilet.

Hillary Clinton Flushed $1.2 Billion Down Toilet In Losing Election – Trump Only Spent $600 Million to Win
That wasted money represents donations from a lot of so-called “celebrities” and foreign interests and only a tiny fraction from your average everyday American, but the losses are still very real, and certainly will hurt the political donations given to Democrats in years to come.
Hillary Clinton and her cronies wasted $1.2 billion on her losing presidential campaign, while Donald Trump and his allies only needed to spend $600 million to win the election.
A month after the 2016 presidential election ended, the final totals are in for how much each campaign spent.
Hillary Clinton and her allies spent a record high $1.2 billion during the campaign, which resulted in a loss to Donald Trump, who spent approximately $600 million with his allies, the New York Post reported Friday.
In the final weeks of the campaign, from Oct. 20 past the election to Nov. 28, Trump had spent $94.5 million while Clinton spent $131.8 million.
Clinton was left with only $839,000 on hand after the election while Trump still had $7.6 million.
Trump spent $66 million out of his own pocket after saying on the campaign trail he may spend up to $100 million of his own money.
Trump had said that it was unnecessary to spend $1 billion or more to win the election, the Post noted.
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