GLORIOUS VIDEOS – Americans Showing Hate For Senile Fake President Criminal Biden & The Democrat Criminals Pulling His Strings

“FUCK JOE BIDEN!!!!” Criminals, like George Soros, are the people actually pulling the strings connected to feeble old senile dickhead criminal loser Joe Biden, and the American People know it – and now the American People are starting to say how they feel, and it’s fucking glorious!

In almost every sports venue across the United States, crowds have started to break into chants of “FUCK JOE BIDEN”, and now it seems that Biden takes heat everywhere he goes as well – and rightfully so! How would you love to be in a stadium with thousands of college kids yelling “FUCK JOE BIDEN” at the top of their lungs? That would be funny as hell and an amazing experience!

“Biden go home!”
“You should resign, Fucking tyrant!”
“This country is going to shit!”
“Go to sleep, Sleepy Joe!”
“Best friend died in Afghanistan for what? For this guy to pull this shit?!”


Biden’s people obviously told him to lie and say that the people heckling him in Jew Jersey were upset about his position on climate change, because they know the American People want Joe Biden impeached or removed from office as quickly as possible for causing the deaths of the 13 American soldiers and almost 200 other people, and for leaving Americans to their deaths in Afghanistan.

“The people who stand on the other side of the fences who don’t live there, who are yelling that we’re talking about interfering with free enterprise by doing something about climate change — they don’t live there” – Senile fake president criminal liar Joe Biden

So, fake president douchebag Joe Biden claims to know where these people live, just by looking at them? I would bet just about anything that, if they didn’t live at that address, they lived pretty much next door.

The people pulling fake president Biden’s puppet strings don’t want to feed the fire currently burning the fake-ass Biden administration to the ground before our eyes.

The American People should not give despicable fake President Biden and the rest of the democrat criminals one fucking second’s rest. Everywhere Joe goes, he should be heckled and confronted with the atrocities and disasters Biden, the Biden Crime Family, and the democrats have caused. Everywhere members of the fake news enemies of the People go – anywhere these democrat criminals go, they should be confronted with anger – people need to get up in their faces – just as Crazy democrat skank Maxine Waters told democrat voters to do to conservatives.

So, when you heckle your next libtard, record it and post it so we can all enjoy!

The democrat Communist criminals have sold America to our enemies, and are currently trying to destroy America from the inside – and free-thinking Americans, who still love our country, must stop them at all costs.

(Senile Fake) President Joe Biden grew defensive after residents yelled criticism at him during a visit to New Jersey.

As Biden toured destroyed homes in Manville, New Jersey, caused by flooding, two men were spotted standing in the yard of an area home where a Trump flag was flying.

The pair along with other residents off-camera shouted that Biden should “go home,” “resign,” and expressed their disgust with his lack of leadership in Afghanistan.

“Best friend died in Afghanistan for what? For this guy to pull this shit?” one man yelled, citing the name of his friend who was killed.

“Unbelievable what our country has become,” one woman shouted. “And I say our country because I’m an immigrant and this is my country.”

Another person in the neighborhood shouted, “Go to sleep, Sleepy Joe!”

But Biden claimed afterward that the protesters were upset about his position on climate change, despite the obvious criticism of his failure in Afghanistan.

“The people who stand on the other side of the fences who don’t live there, who are yelling that we’re talking about interfering with free enterprise by doing something about climate change — they don’t live there,” he said afterward during a speech in New York.

But Biden’s claim appeared to be false. At no point in the video did it appear the protesters mentioned climate change or Biden’s climate policies.

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