Fugly Queer Washed-Up ‘Singer’ Billie Joe Armstrong Will Do Anything To Be Relevant Again – Even Screwing Himself & Band

It appears that queer, fugly, washed-up, loser Billie Joe Armstrong (lead “singer” of the band Green Day – which was never any good) will do ANYTHING to become relevant again, and get his names back in the headlines.

I can hear Billie Joe Armstrong thinking to himself “Hmm.. holding up a fake bloody severed head of President Trump did wonders for dumb skank Kathy Griffin’s career, so maybe I should do the same thing? It will be great for me and my band! Damn I’m edgy and courageous!!”

If I were in the band Green Day, and didn’t know that Armstrong was going to do the stunt with the Trump mask, I would be fucking pissed! If the band was in on it, then fuck all of them! I don’t know how active Green Day is now, 25 years after they had some popularity, but how many Green Day shows will be cancelled because of the backlash they will surely and right fully receive though? That is the question.

Honestly, nobody has listed to Green day in over 20 years, and Billie Joe Armstrong has never been a real singer, or even a halfway decent singer. Armstrong sounds like someone strung-out on drugs when he sings, which is why Green Day is listened to by mostly drugged-out idiots.

Holding up a fake bloody Trump head did one thing for Kathy Griffin… It pegged her name in the news for a couple weeks, forced Griffin to (fake) apologize, and it also forced Griffin to crawl back underneath the rock the putrid troll came from, not being heard from for years.

Talking about putrid troll Kathy Griffin, the disgusting skank had a shitload of plastic surgery to fix her face, and she STILL looks like someone beat her with the Ugly Stick for a fucking month! She seriously makes me want to puke.

Now I know why Billie Joe Armstrong likes Kamala Harris so much… Apparently, they both suck a mean dick.

Washed-up wannabe “Rocker” Billie Joe Armstrong held up what appeared to be a rubber head of former President Donald Trump and threw it into the crowd during a Green Day concert on Monday — less than a month after the assassination attempt on Trump.

Green Day was appearing at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C. as part of the band’s current tour when Billie Joe Armstrong pulled his stunt while performing “Jesus of Suburbia.” The rubber head had the word “Idiot” written on the forehead.

Armstrong held the prop head by the top, as if it were a decapitated head, before hurling it with great fanfare into the audience. The fans cheered their approval.

Monday’s stunt carries echoes of Kathy Griffin’s infamous photo from 2017 in which the comedienne held a bloodied prop head of Trump in a mock decapitation.

Armstrong’s act comes less than a month after a would-be assassin tried to kill former President Donald Trump during a rally in Pennsylvania. Trump narrowly survived the assassination attempt, with the bullet hitting him in the right ear.

Billie Joe Armstrong has long used Green Day concerts to air his left-wing political beliefs.

In 2022, he yelled “fuck America” before saying he was “renouncing his citizenship” following the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

During a performance earlier this year on Dick Clark’s New Year’s Eve Rockin’ Eve on ABC, he insulted Trump supporters by calling them “rednecks.”

Armstrong said in an interview this year that people who do not want transgender propaganda in schools or around children are “fucking close-minded.”

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