Virginia Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax, who has been accused of being a sexual predator and committing sexual assault against a woman years ago, has apparently attacked his accuser Vanessa Tyson by saying “Fuck that bitch!”.

‘FUCK THAT BITCH!’ Justin Fairfax Attacks Sexual Assault Accuser With Vulgarities In Private Meeting
So, let’s get this straight…
VA Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax apparently sexually attacked a woman named Vanessa Tyson at the 2004 DNC Convention in Boston, and now tells his victim to fuck off after his disgusting and disqualifying actions come to light?
Sure, Democrats like Justin Fairfax will say and do anything to keep their cushy government job… but WOW… talk about stupid!!! Lt. Gov. Fairfax is a piece of trash who hasn’t learned a damn thing from the #MeToo crap over the past few years.
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