Former Miss Arkansas and alleged lover of Bill Clinton, Sally Miller, says Hillary Clinton may have had multiple abortions when she was younger, and the only reason why she didn’t murder Chelsea as well is because Bill convinced her that they needed a child if they wanted to continue moving up on the political ladder.
“She had several abortions before she had Chelsea and it was only because Bill convinced her that if they were ever going to move up in politics that they had to have a child because that is what the political analysts had said” – Former Miss Arkansas Sally Miller
Baby murdering Hillary Clinton is even more disgusting now than he ever was! (and that’s pretty hard to do)
I know Chelsea may be a spoiled brat with the golden ticket she grew up with, who really never wanted for anything, but really, how would you feel if you were Chelsea Clinton, knowing that her parents murdered her siblings, and that the only reason why she wasn’t murdered as well was because she might help her parent’s political careers? And now Chelsea is playing right along with her parents disgusting plot to murder her brothers and sisters and then use her, the sole survivor, for their political gains.
Ouch! I would not be happy with my so-called “parents”, and no amount of money or power could undo that damage.
Even having a child was a political calculation for Hillary Clinton, one of Bill Clinton’s former lovers says — and it’s those types of actions that she believes should give every woman pause before making Hillary the first female president.
Miller, who had a three-month affair with then Gov. Bill Clinton in 1983, recently shared with The American Mirror some of the intimate secrets Bill told her, including that even having a child was a political calculation for the current Democratic front runner for president.
“She had several abortions before she had Chelsea and it was only because Bill convinced her that if they were ever going to move up in politics that they had to have a child because that is what the political analysts had said,” Miller says.
“They’ve gotta see her as a human. They have to see her — I think in society they always say, ‘If you were a mother, you can’t be half bad. There has to be some love or gentleness or compassion within in you birth a child,’ but that’s not true.
“There’s some pretty bad mothers. I had one,” Miller says. She said her mother had abused her for years.
Referring to Clinton again, Miller tells The American Mirror, “She is a Gloria Steinem kind of feminist. If you’ve ever seen picture or heard Gloria Steinem, just a cold, conniving bitch. That’s just it.
“And they don’t care about anyone but themselves. That’s what most feminists are all about. It’s about themselves,” according to Miller.
“And most of them don’t link men, incidentally. They only use men for income (and) appearance.
“Hillary could never had made it to Washington, DC without Bill. He was the song and dance routine. He’s the one that played the sax and he could laugh and joke and talk and Hillary can’t do that.
“She can’t put on her black nightie and run around and she can’t play the sax,” Miller says, referring to her previous claim that, during their trysts, Bill Clinton would wear Miller’s nightie and play his instrument.
“I’m sure if she is a lesbian it’s not fun,” Miller says frankly.
When she was asked about where she heard Hillary Clinton was a lesbian, she responded, “Bill told me!
“Because I said why do you think she is so cold?” recalling her conversation with Bill. “Why do you think she is so uninterested in kissing and holding and just being close physically?
“He said that when she was in college that she and some girls experimented and she liked it. And that’s when the big feminist movement was moving forward and lesbianism was hot.
“It was more vogue for a woman to have a female partner than to have a male partner,” Miller says.
“She’s been an imposter all these years and yet even my own daughter said, ‘But mother, she deserves it. She’s worked for it.’
“I’ve worked for a lot of things in my life that I didn’t get. I worked to be Miss America,” the former Miss Arkansas says. “I wasn’t awarded Miss America. But did I want to go out and end other people’s lives and mistreat them because of it? No, you can’t do that.”
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