Flip-Flopping Commie Kamala Says Her Views Haven’t Changed On Her Radical Positions – We Believe Her

If Mush Brain Commie Blow-Job Queen Kamala Harris claims that her views haven’t changed on immigration, fracking, the border wall, the economy, no taxing tips, getting rid of Christmas, and a host of her other radical Communist positions – and we believe her. Comrad Kamala still believes her radical Communist ideas but is lying about her positions now to to try trick the American People and appear more like Donald Trump, and somehow make her electable – which she is definitely not.

“Deadlines Around Time”

IF Communist Pea-Brain Kamala Harris was ever actually elected (or they steal this election as well, GOD forbid!) Mush-Brain Jr Kamala Harris will enact all of the radical Communist policies that she spouted before she had to try and compete with MAGA and President Trump.

If given the chance, Pea-Brained Communist Kamala Harris will take down websites that she doesn’t like, or that they can’t control to silence their political opponents, or anyone critical of their Communist policies, and and inject their lies. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg even just admitted to Congress that Facebook (Meta) has been working with Biden and the democrats to violate the 1st Amendment Rights of millions of Americans by silencing their online posts for years.

Then we have Stolen Valor Tampon Commie Tim Walz, who was asked by CNN’s Dana Bash about his often repeated lie about “carrying weapons in war”, which he did not do, yet he continues to repeat the lie, or not correct it. Even when asked point blank about the lie, Commie liar Tim Walz continues to lie, and would not answer the question, and instead gave an idiotic response about kids and guns, and “wearing his heart on his sleeves”. (yes, both of them)

Dana Bash – “I want to ask you a question about how you’ve described your service in the National Guard. You said that you carried weapons in war, but you have never deployed actually in a war zone. A campaign official said that you misspoke. Did you?”

Stolen Valor Tampon Commie Tim Walz – “Well, first of all, I’m incredibly proud. I’ve done 24 years of wearing [the] uniform of this country. Equally proud of my service in a public school classroom, whether it’s Congress or — or the governor. My record speaks for itself, but I think people are coming to get to know me. I — I speak like they do. I speak candidly. I wear my emotions on my sleeves, and I speak especially passionately about — about our children being shot in schools and around — around guns. So I think people know me. They know who I am. They know where — where my heart is, and again, my record has been out there for over 40 years to — to speak for itself.”

Yea, Tim Walz’s record definitely DOES speak for itself, and it’s calling Walz a liar. Tim Walz never “carried a weapon in war” because he never went to a warzone. Tampon Tim also claims a much rank higher than he actually has in reality. Walz claims that he is a Command Sergeant Major is also a lie that he continues to perpetuate.

Also, pay attention to the bottom right corner of the screen during the pre-taped softball interview. The garbage Liars at CNN were lying to our faces during the entire fucking interview by putting a “LIVE” flag in their chyron, when the interview was anything but live. The CNN interview with Communist Duo Kamala Harris and Tampon Tim Walz was probably one of the most scripted pre-taped “interviews” in the history of our nation, but CNN obviously want people to believe (falsely) that Kamala Harris is smart enough to do a REAL live interview, like President Trump does almost on a daily basis with interviewers who don’t like him.

After this horrible interview, with her hand being held by Commie Tampon Tim Walz, I predict that there is a 90% chance that Pea-Brain Kamala will drop out of the 1-on-1 debate with President Trump. That bitch can’t hang! On top of it all, Kamala Harris looked pretty used-up and haggard in that interview – like she was ridden hard and put away wet.

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